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The ideas and opinions expressed in these pages are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff or publisher of this paper.

The Westside Observer is a non-profit 501(c) (4). It is a digital news source that was a free monthly newspaper serving the entire West of Twin Peaks area of San Francisco for 32 years.

Historically, circulation has been 20,000 copies, distributed 10 times a year. 12,000 are distributed door-to-door, 1,500 were distributed via free distribution racks in the West of Twin Peaks area, as well as libraries and other key drop-off points.

The Westside Observer is owned and operated by Westside San Francisco Media, a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation registered in California and is currently transitioning as an online news source.

Westside San Francisco Media
PO Box 170524
San Francisco, CA 94117

Removing density controls in western and central SF?


Mayor’s Upzoning Plan Endangers Our Neighborhoods

by Dennis Antenore

Demolitions, speculations, and displacement are in store if the city moves forward with Breed’s approach.

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Employee Disparagement

SFPUC’s Employee discontent under Herrera

by Dr. Derek Kerr

Herrera’s team has settled in. The disruptions from the FBI probe and COVID had abated. Employee satisfaction should have improved. It didn’t.

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Twin Peaks Aerial

Big Changes in Store for Twin Peaks

by Jonathan Farrell

“As it is right now...there is no plan to manage and care for Twin Peaks

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School Closed

SFUSD Considers School Closures

by Carol Kocivar

No one wants to close schools. Not the communities. Not the school boards. Not administrators and school district personnel..

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Turf a GGP

Phil Ginsburg: Stop poisoning our world

by David Romano

Will Rec and Park be satisfied when every square foot of Golden Gate Park is concrete and artificial turf?

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Every five years, the EPA determines the success of superfund cleanups

Gantry Crane

New Shipyard Report Confirms: Unsafe for Habitation

by Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai

Take-home message: Cleanup efforts in 15 parcels and sites do not protect residents from hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants emanating from the dirty base

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