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Police Line
San Franciscans are waiting longer for police response to 911 calls due to police staffing shortages. SFPD is currently short hundreds of employees. What's up?

SFPD Discloses Staffing Shortfall

The Mayor's Math Doesn't Add Up?

TThere has been much written about San Francisco sworn police staffing shortage as being from 400 to 540 police officers needed. Sworn officers can carry a firearm, have arrest power, and have a badge.

I made public records request to the San Francisco Police Department asking them for the end of the year breakdown of police staffing from 2015 to the present, which they set at April 13, 2022. I received the following on April 21, 2022:

Police Staffing

There is a downward trend in all numbers from the highs of 2016-2019. The current dips just below the 2000 mark of sworn officers is concerning, as well as the lower number of recruits needed to bring back the number of sworn officers. If you go with the 2017 high of 2,214 sworn officers, we are down 215 sworn officers. If you go with the 2019 high of 753 civilian employees, we are down 49 civilian employees. The total of the two is 264. This is about half the reported stated need, especially if only looking at sworn officers.

quote marks

A community with little crime needs few sworn officers. Increasing police officer visibility to prevent crime and safety probably requires more officers than responding to crime when it happens. You can flood the Tenderloin with officers to reduce crime, but if you do not have the officers and money to sustain the effort over time, you are only shuffling resources and will not see sustained results.”

Let us look at where the claims of higher numbers of sworn officers shortage are coming from.

Mayor Breed State of the City
Mayor Breed State of the City

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, San Francisco Mayor London Breed delivered her State of the City and said this:
"We need law enforcement to keep people safe, to make arrests, to hold people accountable, and to support victims," she said. "But right now, police staffing is at crisis levels, with just over 1,630 police officers. That's over 250 fewer officers than we had three years ago, and 540 officers below what we need, according to our city's independent analysis based on a growing population. We simply do not have the police staffing to meet the needs of a major city, especially as we welcome workers and visitors back."

While 1,630 does not come close to the numbers from the police department, if we add 540 to 1,630, we get 2,170, which puts the police officer force in the general historical average.

Mayor Breed is getting the 1,630 police officer number from Staffing Analysis of the San Francisco Police Department 2021 which came out March 7, 2022. The report was done by the Matrix Consulting Group.

On page 207 of the report, it claims from January 2019 to February 2022 “the number of full duty sworn officers in San Francisco declined 12%, from 1,868 to 1,639.” The report notes the 1,639 number includes approximately 33 full duty officers who are currently on unpaid leave awaiting vaccine hearing resolution as of the beginning of February 2022. On page 207, the report states, “The primary indicator that the Department uses to monitor and assess staffing levels and the overall staffing health of the Department is the number of full duty sworn in San Francisco. This metric represents those members who are currently fully deployable because they are not on some type of medical, family, or disciplinary leave; are not recruits in the Academy; and who are assigned to a unit and location within San Francisco rather than holding an assignment at the Airport.” On page 208, they clarify that the number is “citywide.”

The report never states how many sworn officers are at the Airport but clearly not the 360 difference of 1,639 to 1,999 (4/13/2022). The Airport Bureau of the San Francisco Police Department was established on July 1, 1997), well before the time frame that is being compared. The police department reports 181 police employees at the Airport, but does not state sworn officers. The report never states the number of officers on “some type of medical, family, or disciplinary leave” that they do not include. The variation of “some type of medical, family, or disciplinary leave” and the year-to-year number of police at the Airport should be about the same unless otherwise noted and would be a wash to the total number of sworn officers each year. The lack of accounting reduces the accuracy that should be in a report like this. The numbers need to be clear and the math needs to add up.

staffing analysis
March 7, 2022, Staffing Analysis of the San Francisco Police Department 2021

On page 7, the report comes to the recommendation that the SFPD needs 2,182 sworn officers from a current number of 1,830, with most of that need in the Field Operations Bureau of 265. There is a problem with consistency in the report when the current number of sworn officers is reported at 1,830, 1,868, and 1,639. If the number is 1,639 as of February 2022, they should have used that number in their “Summary of Staffing Analysis Results.” Given a recommended total of 2,182 sworn officers and the 1,999 current as of 4/13/2022, we have a shortage of 183 sworn officers. Civilian employee recommendation of 554, the police should be good at 704 current as of 4/13/2022.

The report notes “As of the end of 2021, there were 521 sworn members over age 50.” This is of concern since recruits numbers are not high enough to keep up with the rate of “Over the past five fiscal years FY 2017–FY 2021, an average of 100 active sworn members have separated from the Department each year due to retirement, resignation, and termination.” (Page 207). While the sworn officer shortage now may be only 183 in the future, it could get up to 500.

The recommendation of 2,182 sworn officers is aligned with recent historical totals. The recommendation comes from a workload-based method assessment. This method is a time target of 35-45% percentage of time spent responding to calls for service from the public, a target of 30% percentage of time devoted to community engagement, and 23-35% of administrative time to determine a recommended staffing levels for patrol officers. The workload is the number of cases assigned x time spent working on each case. The workload depends on the position. Sector Patrol Officer’s workload differs from an Investigative Officer or a ranked officer with oversight. The report states that this workload-based methodology is the industry's best practice. This is just a quick overview.

Opinion: The time/workload method is often used to determine staffing needs based on tasks. Amazon workers are expected to fulfill a certain amount of orders or goods per order in a certain amount of time. The public has other expectations of police officers in safety and the preventing and solving of crime. We also put expectations on the police as a last-ditch “solution” to solving social ills because of inadequate staffing or resources in other areas like mental illness, drug addiction, and homelessness. The police staffing report touches a little on these expectations, but they are not a part of determining the staff level needed. Part of the assessment of sworn officer and civilian employee staff level needed, should include defining expectations and results.

A community with little crime needs few sworn officers. Increasing police officer visibility to prevent crime and safety probably requires more officers than responding to crime when it happens. You can flood the Tenderloin with officers to reduce crime, but if you do not have the officers and money to sustain the effort over time, you are only shuffling resources and will not see sustained results.

It is not the report's responsibility to define what is expected from the police, but the staffing level needed to meet expectations should be part of the assessment. End of opinion.

The FBI Uniform Crime Report also reports population, total law enforcement employees, total officers and total civilians. Agencies participate voluntarily and submit their data either through a state UCR program or directly to the FBI's UCR Program. California cities are reported.

In 2019, the most current year listed on the website, it lists San Francisco at 886,007 population, 2,279 officers, and 628 civilians. The officer number is higher than either the report I got from the SFPD (2,196) or the Matrix Consulting Group staffing report (1,868). The website numbers mean there is 1 sworn officer for every 389 people in San Francisco. For comparisons, San Jose comes in at 1 sworn officer for every 904 of its population; Los Angeles 1/401; San Mateo 1/1,029; Sacramento 1/758; and Oakland 1/587. As you can see, the level of staffing is all over the place.

One thing that would help is to have consistent points in time staffing levels to have better comparison numbers.

Just a note, sometimes you hear that the city charter has a requirement of having 1,971 full duty sworn officers. This was true until Proposition E was approved by voters on 11/3/2020

There is no longer a minimum requirement for full duty sworn officers in the city charter.

M. Sullivan runs the website SF Neighborhoods committed to giving power to citizens to promote transparency, democratic equality and to increase participation in their neighborhoods and government.

MAY 2022

Weapons seized by SPPD in connection with the arrest of three armed burglary suspects. Photo: Courtest SFPD / SFPD

Officers arrest three serial burglars, seize several high-capacity firearms, and several stolen items taken in San Francisco burglaries.

In early October of 2020, the SFPD Burglary Unit commenced an investigation into a series of armed burglaries that occurred in the city’s Taraval and Ingleside Districts. In some of the incidents, the victims were in their homes when they were confronted by suspects armed with guns. The suspects would take cash, jewelry, and electronics. In one incident the suspects confronted a 16-year-old female victim in her home, took her cell phone, and demanded money.

On Friday, December 11, 2020, investigators from the SFPD Burglary Unit and the SFPD Special Investigations Division along with officers from the SFPD Tactical Unit and officers from the Field Operations Bureau served search warrants in San Francisco, Vallejo, Oakland, Stockton, and Carmichael. The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department assisted in the search warrant service in Carmichael. Taken into custody during the search warrant service were 30-year-old Joshua Pittman of San Francisco, 31-year-old Deandre Quininnie of San Francisco, and 26-year-old Leticia Gilton of Vallejo.

In addition to the three arrests, investigators seized several firearms including two semiautomatic rifles, six semi-automatic handguns, and several items of evidence linked to burglaries in San Francisco.

Pittman and Quinnine were booked at San Francisco County Jail on charges of robbery (211 PC), burglary (459 PC), false imprisonment (236 PC), and child endangerment (273a(a) PC). Gilton was booked at San Francisco County Jail on charges of robbery (211 PC), burglary (459 PC), false imprisonment (236 PC), and grand theft (487(a) PC). The charges connect each suspect to four separate home burglaries in San Francisco.

San Francisco is experiencing an increase in home burglaries. SFPD’s response to burglary investigations begins with patrol officers who take the initial report, canvass the area for evidence and notify crime scene investigators and Burglary Detail investigators. Investigators exhaust every lead, which can include witness statements, video footage, and physical evidence in an effort to recover stolen property and identify and arrest the suspects. When an arrest is made, burglary investigators present the best possible case to the district attorney for rebooking. The SFPD Burglary Detail tracks repeat offenders and burglary “crews” in an effort to connect these offenders to other burglaries and help prevent future burglaries.

This investigation is one example of the hard work and dedication police officers and investigators commit to every day to recover and return stolen property to the rightful owners, take firearms off the street and arrest serial burglars.

Photos of the recovered firearms accompany this news release.

While arrests have been made these remain open investigations. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the SFPD 24-hour tip line at 1-415-575-4444 or Text a Tip to TIP411 and begin the text message with SFPD. You may remain anonymous.

December 2020 Captain’s Message

Acting Captain Aaron Lozada
Acting Captain Aaron Lozada

Police – Community Relations Meeting

Virtual Community Meeting With A/Captain Aaron Lozada

Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM via Zoom.

Dear Residents, Merchants, and Community Stakeholders of the Taraval District, Happy New Years everyone. Please stay safe and may we all look forward to a prosperous 2021.

- Compared to the same time last year (12/28/2019), the numbers year to date are as follows: Currently, we are down 34% in vehicle burglaries, 22% in assaults, and 29% in robberies. We are currently up 42% in vehicle thefts and 32% in home and com-mercial burglaries. Officers are out in your neighborhood patrol-ling the streets and enforcing the law. Help us; If you see some-thing, Say something.

If you are reporting a crime in progress, dial 9-1-1(415-553-8090 on cell phones) to report fires, medical emergencies or any emergency related to public safety. To report a non-emergency incident (a crime that has already occurred and the suspects are gone) please call the SFPD non-emergency phone number at 415 - 553-0123 or you can go online to file certain reports at

Taraval Station: Notable Incidents Reported 12/1/20 - 12/28/20

Sunday, December 27
Accidental Shooting
10:29 pm
00 Minerva St
Officers responded to a report that a person had entered the hospital to seek treatment for a gunshot wound. Responding officers made contact with the subject who stated that he had accidentally shot himself while reaching for his house keys that were in the same pocket as his gun.   
Saturday, December 26
Battery – Cited
12:34 pm
100 Corona St
The victim, an owner of a Sober Living community, reported that they had been attempting to remove the suspect when the suspect grabbed the victim’s hand and forcibly squeezed it and hurting the victim before letting go. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.  
5:15 pm
3200 Taraval
The victim, the landlord, was attempting to fix damages at his property when the suspect, a tenant, beat the victim with a wooden hanger despite a current restraining order that protected the victim against the suspect. The suspect then walked away from the victim.  
Thursday, December 24
1200 Monterey Blvd
6:29 pm
The victim reported that he had just purchased an expensive item while in San Jose and believed that he had been followed home afterwards. The victim stated that the suspect had pointed a gun at him as soon as he exited his vehicle while a second suspect then pinned him to the ground. The first suspect then broke the vehicle’s window and stole the watch before both suspects fled the area.  
Suspended Driver’s License – Cited
4:19 pm
Moraga St & 10th Ave
Officers were on patrol in the area when they observed a vehicle, without front plates, fail to slow down or stop at a posted stop sign. The officers conducted a traffic stop and a computer check revealed that the driver’s license had been suspended. Further investigation revealed that the vehicle also had a false license plate in the back. The driver was cited.
8:22 pm
1200 Irving St
The victim reported that he had extra tires stored in the back of his truck and had returned to find that somebody had set them on fire, which caused damages to the vehicle. The fire caused by the burning tires was successfully extinguished by the SFFD. 
Wednesday, December 23
Catalytic Converter Theft – Arrested
2:14 am
2700 47th Ave
The witness reported that the suspect was observed crawling underneath a Prius before the sound of steel being cut was heard. Responding officers located the suspect and after investigation, the suspect was arrested.  
Monday, December 21
Stunt Driving
12:02 am
Skyline Blvd & Lake Merced
Officers were on patrol in the area when they observed a group of people attempting to set up for a stunt-driving exhibition. The SDRU unit responded to the area and gathered information from the drivers and vehicles connected to the exhibition for further investigation.  
Saturday, December 19
Evading Police
2:55 am
Irving St & 15th Ave
An officer was on patrol in the area when he observed a vehicle driving suspiciously slow and made eye contact with the driver. Immediately, the driver then drove away at a high rate of speed and recklessly drove through multiple red lights. For safety reasons, the officer did not attempt to chase after the vehicle. Further investigation revealed that the vehicle had been stolen.  
Suspicious Occurrence
12:41 am
00 Alviso St
The witness reported that her brother and his friend, the suspect, had been in an argument before the suspect left and got into a vehicle. The witness stated that the vehicle then drove by the house and she heard two gunshots before the vehicle drove away. Further investigation did not locate injuries or damages related to the incident.  
Friday, December 18
9:24 pm
Bucareli Dr / Juan Bautista Cir
The victim reported that he had been walking to his residence when the suspects stopped their vehicle in front of him. Both suspects exited the vehicle and one of the suspects demanded the victim’s property while holding a knife. The second suspect then hit the victim on the head with an unknown object. The suspects then stole the victim’s wallet and immediately fled in their vehicle.  
Home Invasion – Robbery of a Residence
12:35 pm
3300 Vicente St
The victim reported that he had heard a loud banging sound from downstairs and went to investigate. The victim stated that he was confronted by the suspect, who pointed a firearm at him and heard a second suspect in the garage. After a few moments, the suspects exited and fled the scene. 

Thursday, December 17
Hot Prowl – Brandishing a Weapon
11:25 am
00 Belle Ave
The victim reported that she had been inside her residence when there was a sudden loud bang from the door that led from the garage. Shortly afterwards, two suspects ran into the residence and pointed a firearm at the victim while demanding to know where the safe was. The victim replied that there wasn’t a safe and the suspects rummaged through the house before exiting with an unknown amount of stolen items.  

Monday, December 14
Assault – Arrested
4:21 pm
Lake Merced Blvd & Sunset Blvd
The victim reported that she had been walking when she noticed the suspect, who was standing in the bushes and holding a belt, and attempted to pass by him. However, the suspect struck the victim once on her back before the victim could get past him and the victim had run away from the suspect. Responding officers arrived at the location and the suspect immediately ran into a van. The officers detained the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested. 

Saturday, December 12
8:44 pm
300 Magellan Ave
The victim reported that she had placed a food and alcoholic drink order for delivery but was unable to provide an ID to accept the delivery, as her ID had expired. During the argument that ensued between the victim and the delivery driver, the driver pushed against the door which caused it strike the victim and make a bruise.  
6:50 pm
3300 Taraval St
The victim reported that she had been in the liquor store and observed the suspect attempting to pay for his items but did not have enough money for the purchase. The victim stated that she purchased the items, beer and cigars, for the suspect before completing her own purchase. After the victim left the store, the suspect approached her and grabbed her by her neck before threatening to kill her. The suspect released the victim shortly afterwards and the victim told the suspect that he was being rude. The suspect then walked away. 
11:48 am
500 Buckingham Way
The victim reported that she had been waiting in line to enter a bank when the suspect exited a nearby vehicle and walked up to her. The suspect then pushed the victim, grabbed her cell phone wallet case and immediately fled the area.

Friday, December 11
Vandalism to Vehicle – Explosive Device
6:24 pm
00 Diaz Ave
The victim reported that she had attempted to fill her vehicle with gas but was unable to do so and took it to a mechanic to investigate the problem. A search revealed that batteries had been stuffed inside the vehicle’s gasoline tank. The victim stated that she did not know who vandalized her vehicle but believes that it may have been her ex-boyfriend. 
Trespassing – Warrant Arrest – Arrested
5:14 am
3200 20th Ave
The witness, a security employee, reported that the suspect had been observed walking around the mall and looking into several kiosks. The witness stated that the suspect was known to him and had previously hid inside the mall and stole several items after the mall had closed. A computer check on the suspect revealed arrest warrants. The suspect was arrested.

Thursday, December 10
7:17 pm
Judah St & 46th Ave
The victim, a MUNI driver, reported that she had just picked up two passengers when one of them approached her and hit her for an unknown reason. Both passengers then exited through the back door of the MUNI and immediately fled the area. 
Warrant Arrest – Trespassing – Arrested
7:33 pm
200 Farallones St
The witness reported that a nearby house, that was supposed to be vacant, was suspiciously occupied and that a door had been tampered with.  Responding officers made entry and a search located the suspect inside. A computer check revealed that the suspect had an arrest warrant. The suspect was arrested.
Stolen Vehicle – Traffic Violation – Arrested
1:07 am
2600 Ortega St
The witness reported that she had heard her contractor’s car suspiciously being started before it was driven away. Responding officers located the vehicle and made contact with the suspect after conducting a traffic stop. The suspect was detained and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Wednesday, December 9
Battery – Theft
11:14 am
300 Arballo Dr
The victim reported that he had been struck by the suspect, his roommate after refusing to drive the suspect around. The suspect responded angrily and threw an item, which damaged a window. The victim attempted to call for help on his cell phone but the suspect pushed the victim and took the victim’s phone before fleeing the area.

Tuesday, December 8
Battery – Warrant Arrest – Arrested
1:21 pm
00 West Portal Ave
The victim’s parent reported that his daughter, the victim, had been on the sidewalk when suspect approached and suddenly grabbed the victim’s arm. The victim walked away from the suspect but the suspect reached out and grabbed the victim’s arm again. The victim immediately walked into a nearby store for her safety and was not followed by the suspect. Responding officers located the suspect and detained him. A computer check revealed an arrest warrant. The suspect was arrested.

Sunday, December 6
Hit & Run Traffic Collision – Under the Influence – Arrested
3:41 pm
Taraval St & 25th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a traffic collision and observed the suspect being detained by a witness. The witness reported that the driver had struck a pedestrian before attempting to run away. The suspect stated that he had been drunk and made a mistake. After further investigation, the driver was arrested.

Saturday, December 5
Assault – Warrant – Arrested
5:30 pm
00 Head St
The victim reported that he had been staying at an Air BnB when he observed the suspect, who was standing outside on the sidewalk, staring at him. The victim stated that he went out to confront the suspect and exchanged heated words with him before the suspect stabbed the victim twice in the back with a knife. A computer check on the victim revealed a no bail, arrest warrant out of San Mateo. The victim was arrested for the warrant.


Friday, December 4
Assault – Theft – Arrested
9:38 pm
2600 San Jose Ave
The victim reported that the suspect, a roommate, had been yelling and screaming outside of the victim’s bedroom and told the suspect to quiet down. The suspect responded angrily and pushed his way into the victim’s room and punched the victim before leaving the building. Responding officers located the suspect who stated that he was missing items from his room and angrily thought that the victim had stolen them. The suspect confronted the victim and became angrier when the victim told him to quiet down.  After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Wednesday, December 2
Threats – Arrested
8:28 pm
200 Winston Dr
The victim, a store employee, stated that the suspect had entered the store and started to charge his cell phone. The victim asked the suspect to leave the store but the suspect refused and became verbally abusive towards the victim. The suspect then threatened to kill the victim and asked what time the victim would get off work so he could wait for the victim. Responding officers detained the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.
Check Forgery – Arrested
3:40 pm
3700 19th Ave
The witness reported that the suspect had stated that he wanted to rent and provided a cashier’s check that did not have any security features. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

December 30, 2020

November 2020 Captain’s Message

Acting Captain Aaron Lozada
Acting Captain Aaron Lozada

Dear residents, merchants, and community stakeholders of the Taraval District, We are entering into the third wiid of November and some of the first rains of the season. It is typical to see an increase in traffic accidents. Here are some driver safety tips to consider while driving in the rain:

1. If your wipers ore on, turn on your headlights

2. Slow down

3. Allow for extra time to react

4. Leave extra distance between you and the car ahead

5. Stay alert for hydroplaning (vehicle slides uncontrollably on the wet surface of a road.)

Compared to the same time last year (11/02/2019), the numbers year to date are as follows: Currently, we are down 37% in vehicle burglaries, 27% in assaults, and 36% in robberies. We are currently up 24% in vehicle thefts and 8% in home and commercial burglaries. Officers are out in your neighborhood patrolling the streets and enforcing the law. Help us; If you see something, Say something.

Please drive safely.

A/Captain Lozada

Notable Incidents Reported 10/25/20 - 11/20/20

Sunday | October 25


3:02 pm | 1400 48th Ave

Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim, a delivery driver, reported that he had been working when two suspects suddenly approached him and demanded the victim’s property while simulating holding a gun. The suspects then fled the area with the stolen items.  


1:21 am | 2400 41st Ave

Officers responded to a report of a robbery with a gun. The victim reported that he had gone outside to move his car when the suspect suddenly approached him and pointed a firearm at him. The suspect then demanded the victim’s property and directed the victim to return home and attempted to make entry into the apartment once they arrived. The victim knocked loudly on the apartment’s door, which woke up the victim’s roommate and caused the suspect to immediately flee the area.  


6:12 pm | Ulloa St & 23rd Ave

Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim reported that he had just parked his vehicle and was retrieving his items from the front seat of the vehicle when another vehicle pulled up next to him. The suspect exited the vehicle, punched the victim several times on the victim’s head and stole the victim’s property before fleeing the area. 

Tuesday | October 27

DUI – Child Neglect – Arrested

2:41 am | 19th Ave & Lincoln Way

Officers were on patrol in the area and observed a vehicle being driven without headlights turned on and a gas nozzle inserted into the vehicle’s gas tank. The officers conducted a traffic stop and made contact with the driver, who exhibited signs of intoxication, and observed that an infant was in the back seat of the vehicle. After failing multiple sobriety tests, the driver was arrested. 

Friday, October 30


8:40 pm | 00 Cardenas Ave

The victim reported that he had been in the area trying to find his friend’s house when the suspect suddenly walked up to him. The suspect then brandished a gun while demanding the victim’s property. Fearfully, the victim surrendered his backpack and cell phone and the suspect fled the area with the items. 

Battery – Cited

12:54 am | 2900 21st Ave

The victims reported that the suspect had banged on the front door and pushed his way into the house, in an attempt to look for someone inside. A struggle ensued and the victims pushed the suspect out of the house and detained him. Responding officers investigated the incident and the suspect was cited.  

Sunday | November 1

Stolen Vehicle – Arrested

7:05 am | Great Hwy & Irving St

The victim reported the location of his stolen vehicle and officers responded to the area and located both the vehicle and the suspect. A search of the vehicle located a large amount of stolen property and shaved keys. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested. 

Monday | November 9

Assault With A Gun

10:50 am | 200 Plymouth Ave

Officers responded to a report of shots being fired. Shortly afterwards, the witness reported that a victim was observed holding on to his head while yelling. Responding officers arrived at the location but were unable to locate the victim. However, a search revealed a blood trail that ended abruptly where a vehicle could have parked. A hospital search did not locate any gunshot victims.  

Tuesday | November 10

Burglary – Brandishing a Weapon

12:44 pm | 2200 43rd Ave

The victim reported that the witness had yelled out and alerted him that his bicycle had just been stolen from the garage. The victim, in his vehicle, followed and confronted the suspect before retrieving his bicycle. The victim then continued to follow the suspect, who was walking away, when the suspect suddenly turned around and threatened the victim with a knife. Responding officers detained the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested. 

Thursday | November 12

Recovered Stolen Vehicle

12:43 am | 700 Brotherhood Way

Officers were on patrol in the area and observed a suspiciously parked vehicle. A computer check revealed that the vehicle’s license plate had been taken from another vehicle. Further investigation revealed that the vehicle’s occupant was in possession of burglary tools.  The suspect was arrested on multiple charges, including being in possession of a stolen vehicle.  

November 20, 2020

Previous Notable Incidents

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Weapons siezed in Westside raid
Multiple Arrests Involve Illegal Firearms and Narcotics

On Friday, August 21, 2020, San Francisco Police officers from the Tactical Unit, Specialist Team, and Taraval Neighborhood Team (TNT) served a search warrant on the 1500 block of 48th Ave. as a result of an ongoing investigation into illegal possession and distribution of firearms. The search warrant resulted in the arrest of four suspects. Additionally, officers located and seized twenty-nine firearms, multiple rounds of ammunition of varying calibers, and various narcotics. All items seized from the search warrants are being processed by the SFPD Crime Scene Investigations Unit.


The search warrant resulted in the arrest of four suspects. Additionally, officers located and seized twenty-nine firearms, multiple rounds of ammunition of varying calibers, and various narcotics.”

The suspects were identified as 60-year-old Bart Yoldi of San Francisco, 37-year-old Ahmad Aboudallah of San Francisco, 38-year-old Gina Costello of San Francisco, and 51-year-old Todd Brown of San Francisco. All suspects were transported to San Francisco County Jail for booking.

Yoldi was booked on charges of possession of a controlled substance while armed (11370.1(a) H&S), two counts of possession of an assault weapon (30605 PC), possession of methamphetamines (11377(a) H&S), criminal storage of a firearm (25100(b) PC), and three counts of manufacturing/assembling a firearm (29180 PC). Aboudallah was booked on charges possession of a controlled substance while armed (11370.1(a) H&S), possession of an assault weapon (30605 PC), possession of a firearm by a prohibited person (30305(a)(1) PC), manufacturing/assembling a firearm (29180 PC), possession of methamphetamines (11377(a) H&S), possession of a controlled substance (11350(c) H&S, and criminal storage of a firearm (25100(b) PC). Costello was booked on charges of possession of a silencer (33410 PC), possession of a controlled substance while armed (11370.1(a) H&S, possession of a firearm by a prohibited person (30305(a)(1) PC), and possession of methamphetamines (11377(a) H&S). Brown was booked on charges of nine counts of possession of an assault weapon (30605(a) PC), possession of a controlled substance while armed (11370.1(a) H&S), four counts of possession of short-barreled rifles/sawed-off shotguns (33215 PC), manufacturing assault weapons (30600(a) PC), criminal storage of a firearm (25100(b) PC), possession of methamphetamines (11377(a) H&S), and six counts of manufacturing/assembling a firearm (29180 PC).

While arrests have been made these remain open investigations. Attached with a photo of the firearms seized. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the SFPD 24-hour tip line at 1-415-575-4444 or Text a Tip to TIP411 and begin the text message with SFPD. You may remain anonymous.

Captain's Report

My name is Aaron Lozada. I am a Lieutenant with the San Francisco Police Department and my current role is the Acting Captain of Taraval Police Station. I’ve been a Lieutenant here at Taraval since November 2019 and I was previously assigned here as an Officer from 2003-2008. I am very grateful for this opportunity to provide all of you with high quality police service. This is my 21st year with the Department and my professional background includes assignments in patrol, investigations, and administrative positions at Mission, Bayview, Ingleside and Taraval Stations as well as the Police Academy.

My priorities are to make certain that the officers assigned toTaraval Station have the resources they need to be effective and efficient with every police contact, vigorously address crime and all contributing factors, and work collaboratively with community, merchant, and City resources to establish a high performing community policing network. I look forward to working with all of you to ensure the Taraval District is safe, vibrant, and healthy.

Acting/Captain Lozada

Compared to the same time last year (8/31/2019), the numbers year to date are as follows: Currently, we are down 18% in vehicle burglaries, 26% in assaults, and 24% in robberies. We are
currently up 34% in vehicle thefts and 3% in home and commercial burglaries. Officers are out in your neighborhood patrolling the streets and enforcing the law. Help us, if you see something,
Say something.

If you are reporting a crime in progress, dial 9-1-1 (415-553-8090 on cell phones) to report fires, medical emergencies or any emergency related to public safety. To report a non-emergency
incident (a crime that has already occurred and the suspects are gone) please call the SFPD non-emergency phone number at 415-553-0123 or you can go online to file a report at

-Taraval Station

— Taraval Station Community Meeting —

We will update everyone with the date and location of our next meeting. The Community Room is closed. Stay tuned for more info:

SF Police Academy Graduation.
Congratulations SF Police Academy Recruit Class 268!
SF Police Academy Graduation.
A socially distanced graduation

Carjacking – Arrested
10:16 am
1300 La Playa St
Officers responded to a report of a fight between two people. The victim reported that he had been engaged in an argument with the suspect. The victim then attempted to get into his car but the suspect followed him to the vehicle and continued the argument. During the argument, the suspect assaulted the victim and drove away in the victim’s vehicle. Responding officers located the vehicle and made contact with the suspect. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested. 

Vandalism to Vehicle – Arrested
4:10 pm
2200 48th Ave
The victim reported that he had heard suspicious noises outside his home and observed the suspect, a neighbor, yelling while standing on the victim’s vehicle. The suspect then got off the vehicle and kicked the vehicle’s door before throwing an object at the vehicle. Responding officers made contact with the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.  

Warrant Arrest – Vehicle Tampering – Arrested
12:16 pm
200 Plymouth Ave
The victim reported that the suspect had broken into an ambulance, while the paramedics were attending to a patient, and stole several items in addition to the vehicle’s keys. Responding officers located and detained the suspect. A computer check revealed an arrest warrant out for the suspect. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested

Assault – Warrant Arrest – Arrested
9:52 pm
1300 46th Ave
Officers responded to a report of an assault. The victim reported that he and the suspect were engaged in an argument inside a store when the suspect suddenly swung a machete at the victim, which injured the victim’s finger. Responding officers located the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested. 

AUG 11
Warrant Arrest – Carrying a concealed Weapon – Possession of a stolen Vehicle. – Arrested
7:50 pm
2700 San Jose Ave
Officers were on patrol in the area when they observed a known subject, who had a suspended license, driving a vehicle in front of them. A computer check on the vehicle revealed that it had been reported stolen. The officers detained the subject and a search revealed a dagger on the subject’s person.  After further investigation, the subject was arrested.

AUG 13
Burglary – Possession of Stolen Property– Arrested
3:58 pm
1500 9th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a burglary. The witness reported that the suspect had been observed climbing up the scaffolding to enter through the windows of a home before exiting with items stolen from inside the home. Responding officers located the suspect and a search revealed that the suspect was in possession of property belonging to the victim. The suspect was arrested.  

Search Warrant – Arrested
4:55 am
1500 48th Ave
Officers received information that a large amount of weapons were being stored inside a building. Responding officers conducted a search and located multiple firearm parts. After further investigation, it was determined that the suspects were in the process of building firearms from individual parts. Four suspects were arrested in this incident. 

Shooting into a Dwelling
8:25 pm
100 Tara St
Officers responded to a report of shots being fired. The victims reported that they had been having dinner at home when there were sudden noises from outside followed by their living room window shattering, which caused injuries to some of the victims. Responding officers searched the area and located a spent shell casing.  

8:17 am
200 Winston Ave
At approximately 4:00 am, officers responded to a report of a burglary that had occurred inside a restaurant. Also at that time, the officers received a cold burglary report but the employees were unable to access the security camera system at that time. Later in the day, the officers responded back to the scene after an employee had reviewed the security footage and recognized the suspect, who had returned to the restaurant. The suspect was detained and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Vandalism to Vehicle – Battery
7:14 pm
Plymouth Ave & Farallones St
Officers responded to a report of a hit and run. The victims reported that they had been involved in an accident and attempted to stop the suspect from leaving and called out for help. Several people walked towards the victims and started to hit them and their vehicle before immediately fleeing the area.

Warrant Arrest – Methamphetamine Offense – Arrested
4:11 pm
Phelan Ave & Ocean Ave
Officers were on patrol in the area and observed a known suspect, with a history of various theft related crimes, yelling at a second suspect before both suspects suspiciously drove away. The officers conducted a traffic stop and a search of the suspects revealed methamphetamine and a glass smoking pipe. A computer search also revealed that one of the suspects had an arrest warrant. After further investigation, one suspect was arrested and the other suspect was cited.  

Carrying Concealed Weapon – Ammunition
10:14 pm
00 Chumasero Dr
Officers responded to a report of a suspect in possession of a handgun. The witness stated that he had just parked his car and was walking away from it when he heard the sound of a gun being racked. Responding officers searched the area and located the suspect inside a vehicle. The officers made contact with the suspect and a search of the vehicle revealed a firearm. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

12:13 am
600 Holloway Ave
The victim reported that they had just finished parking his car when a known suspect approached him and demanded his car keys. The victim stated that he believed that the suspect had a gun after observing a suspicious bulge on the suspect’s hip. The suspect then drove off in the victim’s car after receiving the keys. 

Stolen Vehicle – Warrant Arrest – Arrested
6:19 pm
1400 11th Ave
Officers responded to a report of a traffic collision in which the suspect involved was leaving the scene. Responding officers investigated the incident and discovered that the vehicle involved in the accident had been reported stolen. A security video showing the suspect’s involvement in the accident was also obtained. The suspect was located and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.  

2:34 pm
23rd Ave & Irving St
Officers responded to a report of a battery. The victim reported that he had been parking his vehicle when the suspect impatiently pulled around the victim’s vehicle to park in another nearby stall. The suspect then exited his vehicle and yelled at the victim before walking into a nearby store. The victim exited his vehicle and attempted to walk into different store when the suspect demand to know why the victim was following him. The suspect then grabbed and punched the victim before leaving the scene.  

September 2020

Captain’s Message

Vacations? Summer is upon us, kids are out of school, back home from school and many adults’ parents or not are taking time off work and dreaming of far off or local destinations and planning sunny summer vacations. Apparently, Mark Twain once stated the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco! With vacations in mind it’s important to protect your residences, apartments or living spaces while you are away. Try to not make it obvious that no one is home. Don’t let newspapers, mail or package delivers pile up. Contact the post office and have your mail put on hold until your home and don’t leave garbage cans out while everyone else has taken their cans in. Put a lamp on a timer so it turns on intermittently, so it looks like someone is home. These are just some of the tell-tale signs that opportunistic thieves and burglars are looking for.

Look out for each other and let your neighbors know when you’re away so they can keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. Contact your building security, homeowner’s association, neighborhood watch groups and friends and family you trust and let them know about your plans. Also just be aware that social media posts for everyone to see that you’re not at home have also come back to bite some people so just a word to the wise and be aware of what you post and if it is public or private. I know it’s fun to share your vacation experiences but be aware it may present a risk if circulated far and wide and with too much detail.

Fireworks. The 4th of July is also around the corner and I want to remind everyone that all fireworks to include “safe and sane” are illegal in the City and County of San Francisco. There have been past incidents of illegal and dangerous fireworks displays in our neighborhoods please don’t be part of that and if you see something dangerous just call 911. Also, a new tip line has been set up using email, if you observe any activity where you think there could be any activity related to illegal fireworks sales you can report you concerns to and we will check it out. Officers throughout the city will be out in the neighborhoods on the 4th of July taking enforcement action.

Traffic enforcement is an ongoing thing and Vision Zero is always something the Police Dept will focus on. Officers will continue to engage in traffic enforcement operations at different locations in the Taraval District, we call it Focus on the Five. The five intersections with the most accidents are identified through data from our records and then enforcement operations are conducted. Drive safe, look out for each other, have a safe 4th of July and an enjoyable summer.

Follow me on Twitter at @SFPDTaraval for some really interesting tweets and go to for much more information on crimes tips, traffic safety, home safety and much more.
– Captain Nicholas Rainsford

June 22, 2020

Arrests in Ocean Avenue Gang Shootings

On May 26th the Gang Task Force served search warrants related to the May 12th gang-related shootings that occurred between two cars at Ocean Avenue and Jules Street. A 50 year-old bystander, wounded in the shootout, was taken to a local hospital, but his injuries were not life-threatening. Officers recovered 40 spent shell casings of varying caliber that had been shot from several guns.

"The Police Department is currently in the process of conducting a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances on why this incident occurred and who was involved," Captain Nick Rainsford of Taraval Station said, "We do not believe that this was a random incident and it was out of character for that area."

This incident was part of a growing pattern of shootings that have taken place in several neighborhoods, including a similar afternoon incident on March 14th at Brookdale Avenue in the Ingleside, which resulted in damage to several cars and homes, in which no one was injured, though 30 spent casings were located. And in a similar afternoon shooting, April 29th , also on Brookdale Avenue, where one victim, a 25 year-old man suffered a gunshot wound and was taken to the hospital, and where officers also found 50 spent casings from the crime scene.

SFPD Officers, working with the Gang Task Force and the Patrol and Investigations Bureau followed leads that resulted in search warrants that were served in San Francisco, South San Francisco, Vallejo, San Jose, Concord, Pittsburg and Sacramento. These warrants resulted in consequent arrests of five suspects and the confiscation of ten firearms and multiple rounds of ammunition, all currently in process of investigation by the SF Crime Scene Investigations Unit.

All suspects were charged with attempted homicide, assault with a firearm and participation in a street gang, including 21 year-old Reco Maximo of Sacramento. 19 year-old Joaquin Powell-Smith of Pittsburg — was also booked for probation violation. 25 year-old Dominic Logan of San Jose — was additionally booked for felon in possession of a firearm. 22 year-old Khejon Nelson of Concord was also charged with negligent discharge of a firearm and carrying a concealed weapon. 22 year-old Resace Fiapoto of Concord faces additional charges of negligent discharge of a firearm, felon in possession of a firearm and probation violation. All are in San Francisco County Jail.

"Thankfully, no one was seriously injured," Captain Rainsford said, "We have been in contact with many residents and merchants in the area ... and want to reinforce the message 'If you see something — say something'."

The investigation remains open, and police continue to seek additional information about any of these incidents at the SFPD 24-hour tip line 415 575-4444 or Text TIP411 and begin the message with SFPD. (You may remain anonymous).

Captain Rainsford also noted, in better news, that "Compared to the same time last year, the numbers year to date are down 9% in vehicle burglaries, 13% in burglaries, 37% in assaults, and 9% in robberies." But, he reports, "We are currently up 4% in vehicle thefts."

Previous Notable Incidents

Sunday | May 3

Vandalism to Property - Arrested

12:18 am | 100 Font Blvd.

Officers responded to a report of a dispute between two roommates. The victim reported that he and the suspect, his roommate, were having dinner and discussing some comments that the suspect had made online. The discussion later turned into an argument and the victim left the table to wash his dishes. Shortly afterwards, the victim heard a loud crash and discovered that the screen to his laptop computer had been shattered. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.


3:28 pm | 100 Cambon Dr

Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim reported that he had been walking home when the suspect, who was known to the victim, approached him and asked where the victim’s property was. The suspect then pushed the victim to the ground and stole the victim’s property before immediately fleeing the area.

Tuesday | May 5

Firearm Discharged

7:00 pm | Broad St & Orizaba Ave

Officers responded to a report of gun shots. Responding officers arrived at the reported location and a search revealed numerous spent cartridge casings from a firearm but they were unable to locate anyone with an injury or property damage. A witness reported that they had observed the suspect, who was a passenger, holding a gun while in a vehicle that was traveling at a high rate of speed before hearing approximately 6 gunshots.

Trespassing – Cited

10:55 am | 00 Beverly

Officers responded to a report of a trespasser. The victim reported that the he had arrived at the location to check on a vacant building when he discovered pry marks that had damaged the gate. The victim entered the building and heard footsteps inside. Responding officers located the suspect, who was inside the building. After further investigation, the suspect was cited.

Driving Under the Influence – Arrested

10:32 pm | 200 Stratford Dr

Officers responded to a report that a vehicle had collided into a number of other vehicles. Responding officers located the driver, who was still inside the vehicle. The officers determined that the driver showed signs of intoxication and conducted a field sobriety test, which the driver failed. The driver then refused further tests and a search order was obtained. After further investigation, the driver was arrested.

Friday | May 8


4:00 pm | 18th Ave & Vicente St

Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim reported that the suspect approached him and started a conversation. Suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, the suspect took the victim’s hand and placed fake jewelry on it before putting a necklace around the victim’s neck. The victim attempted to push the suspect away but was unsuccessful. After the suspect left, the victim immediately discovered that his expensive necklace had just been stolen.

Friday | May 9

Evading a Police Officer

11:33 am | 19th Ave & Holloway Ave

Officers were on patrol in the area and conducting traffic enforcement when they observed a vehicle that had been involved in the theft of multiple catalytic converters. The officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop but the suspect immediately fled in a dangerous manner.

Tuesday | May 12

Theft – Cited

6:13am | 00 Cambon Dr

Officers responded to a report of a group of suspects who were siphoning gas out of multiple U-Haul trucks. Responding officers arrived at the location and detained three subjects. The witness reported that one of the subjects had been at the location multiple times to siphon gas from the vehicles. During the interview, the subject admitted that he was aware of the crime while the other two suspects stated that they were not aware. After further investigation, the first subject was cited.

Evading a Police Officer

9:35 pm | 19th Ave & Winston Dr

An officer was on patrol in the area and observed a vehicle that had been reported as stolen. The officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop but the vehicle failed to yield. The officers then followed the vehicle, at a safe distance, and observed the vehicle stop and drop off a passenger before the vehicle immediately fled the area. Responding officers conducted a traffic stop on the second vehicle and detained the subjects. After further investigation, it was determined that the subject did not have a connection to the stolen vehicle.


3:17 pm | Jules Ave & Ocean Ave

Officers responded to a report an injury caused by gun shots. The victim reported that he had been walking when he suddenly heard the sound of gun fire and immediately felt a sudden pain in the area of his lower back. Responding officers arrived at the location and interviewed multiple witnesses and determined that there had been two separate groups who had shot at each other causing stray bullets to injure the victim.

Wednesday | May 13

Battery – Health Order Violation – Cited

2:10 pm | Ocean Ave & Phelan Ave

Officers responded to a report of an assault. The victim, a MUNI bus driver, reported that suspect had boarded the MUNI without wearing a mask. The victim requested that the suspect to cover his face which irritated the suspect and an argument ensued. The suspect then spat at the victim. Responding officers located the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was cited.

Thursday | May 14

Theft from a Vehicle – Possession of Stolen Property – Arrested

2:07 am | 200 Dorantes Ave

Officers responded to a report of theft. The victim reported that he had heard suspicious noises outside and discovered that the suspects were rummaging inside his vehicle. Responding officers located and detained the suspects without incident. A search revealed that the suspects were in possession of stolen property belonging to the victim. After further investigation, the suspects were cited.

Friday | May 15


3:29 pm | 1500 23rd Ave

Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim reported that he had been walking when the suspect approached him and randomly started a conversation and showed him some jewelry. However, the victim did not understand the suspect and walked away from him. The suspect responded by forcibly stealing the victim’s necklace from the victim’s neck and immediately fled with it.

Saturday | May 16

Assault – Warrant Arrest – Arrested

4:50 pm | 200 Orizaba Ave

Officers respond to a report of a fight that resulted in a stabbing. Responding officers arrived at the location and detained the suspect. After further investigation, it was determined that the victim and suspect knew each other. The situation arose after a confrontation concerning a cell phone and the suspect stabbed the victim’s arm. A computer check revealed that the suspect had an arrest warrant. The suspect was arrested.

Sunday | May 17

Driving While under the Influence – Arrested

1:28 am | Font Blvd & Junipero Serra Blvd

Officers were on patrol in the area when they observed a vehicle driving erratically and weaving in and out of it’s lane of traffic. The officers conducted a traffic stop and made contact with the driver, who showed obvious signs of intoxication. After failing numerous tests, the driver was arrested.


5:20 am | 2600 Ocean Ave

Officers responded to an audible alarm. When officers arrived on scene, they noticed a broken window. A K-9 search dog arrived on scene and located the suspect. The suspect claim that he broke in and looked thru everything. The suspect said he broke in to sleep. Officers located numerous tool on the suspect that can be used to break into establishments. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Monday | May 18


5:28 pm | 1800 29th Ave

Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim stated that she was walking when a vehicle suddenly pulled up and the first suspect exited the vehicle right next to her. The suspect then wrapped his arm around the victim while a second suspect approached and removed the victim’s jewelry. Both suspects then fled back to their vehicle before one suspect returned to the victim and gave her a cheap yellow colored necklace and a ring. Both suspects then fled the area.

Discharging a Firearm

8:44 pm | 300 Pacheco St

Officers responded to a report of three shots being fired. Responding officers arrived at the location and a search revealed a spent casing in the middle of the street. The officers were unable to locate victims or property damage related to the incident.

Stolen VehicleM

5:45 am | Ortega St & 8th Ave

Offices responded to a report of that the suspect was behaving suspiciously and checking the door handles of multiple parked cars. Responding officers arrived at the location and observed the suspect getting into a vehicle. The officers made contact and detained the suspect. After further investigation, it was determined that the suspect had entered an unreported stolen vehicle. The suspect was arrested.

Tuesday | May 19

Threats – Brandishing a Gun – Arrested

6:38 pm | 300 San Miguel St

Officers responded to a report of threats. The victims reported that the suspect, who lived in the same home, had previously made multiple threats to shoot people. Recently, the suspect had purchased a gun and pointed the gun at the victims. Responding officers located the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Vehicle Burglary – Possession of Stolen Property – Arrested

7:52 am | 300 Brighton Ave

Officers responded to a report of two suspects who were observed rummaging through the victim’s vehicle. The victims detained one of the suspects while the second suspect fled the area. Responding officers made contact with the suspect and after further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Wednesday | May 20

Brandishing a Weapon

9:43 pm | 1500 Sloat Blvd

The victim, a store employee, reported that he had observed the suspect acting suspicious while inside the store. The suspect confronted the victim and asked why she was being followed. The suspect then exited the store and entered a waiting vehicle. Shortly afterwards, the suspect returned to the store with a male suspect who approached the victim before making comments at the victim and brandishing a gun. Both suspects then exited the store.

Fire Report

11:20 am | 1800 9th Ave

Officers responded to a report of a fire. The victim reported that he had been experimenting with batteries to power cars and had turned away from the project when the fire suddenly started.

Thursday | May 21

Traffic Violation – No Driver’s License Issued – Cited

11:01 pm | Winston Dr & 20th Ave

Officers responded to a report of a vehicle collision which did not result in any injuries. A computer check confirmed that one party involved in the collision did not have a driver’s license. After further investigation, the driver was cited.

Friday | May 22


2:56 pm | 3200 20th Ave

Officers responded to a robbery. The victim reported that she had returned to her parked vehicle and was about to start the vehicle when a suspect suddenly approached the vehicle and shattered the side window with an unknown object. The suspect then reached in to the vehicle and took the victim’s purse before immediately fleeing.

Saturday | May 23


2:50 am | 1200 Monterey Blvd

Officers responded to a report of a building alarm that had been activated. Responding officers arrived at the location and observed a suspect in front of the house and detained him. After multiple warnings, a K9 unit entered and located a second suspect inside the house after a search. Further investigation revealed that the suspects were in possession of stolen property. The suspects were arrested.

Sunday | May 24

Threats – Assault

6:12 pm | 2600 Great Hwy

Responding officers received information regarding the location of a suspect who was involved in a previously reported incident. In the report, the victim stated that the suspect had made derogatory and threatening statements against them. The victim also stated that the suspect had head-butted, strangled and bitten the victim in the same incident. The suspect was detained and after further investigation, he was arrested.

Monday | May 25


1:23 pm | Alemany Blvd & Crystal St

Officers responded to a report of an assault. The victim reported that he and the suspect, who was known to him, had been engaged in an argument when the suspect attempted to cut the victim with a bread knife. The incident resulted in a mild injury to the victim. The suspect then fled the area.

Tuesday | May 26

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

3:25 am | 00 Cambon Dr

Officers responded to a report of suspicious activity and located the suspect’s vehicle. The officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop but the vehicle moved slowly away from them before the driver suddenly jumped out of the moving vehicle and attempted to flee on foot. The officers detained both the driver and passenger. Further investigation revealed that the driver had three arrest warrants. The driver was arrested and the passenger was released.

Wednesday | May 27


12:07 pm | 200 Wawona St

The victim reported that the suspect’s dog had randomly entered the victim’s backyard before defecating on the property. The victim confronted the dog’s owner, the suspect, about the incident. The suspect began to clean up after the dog but became agitated and confrontational before throwing a cup of coffee at the victim and punching the victim. The suspect then walked away.

Vandalism to Vehicle – Resisting Arrest – Arrested

4:42 pm | 3400 Alemany Blvd

The victim reported that he had been in his vehicle, which had stopped at a red light, when the suspect suddenly walked up to him and punched the side window. The suspect then threw a ceramic mug at the vehicle’s window, which caused it to shatter. Responding officers located the suspect and detained him, despite the suspect initially ignoring numerous instructions from the officers. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Thursday | May 28

Stolen Vehicle

4:10 pm | Gonzalez Dr & Diaz Ave

Officers were on patrol when they observed the occupants of a parked vehicle suddenly duck down in an attempt to hide from the officers’ view. A computer check on the vehicle revealed that it had been reported stolen. The officers detained the occupants of the vehicle and a search revealed multiple items of stolen property that belong to several different victims.

Friday | May 29


3:40 am | 8200 OceanView Ter

Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim reported that he had been walking when a passing vehicle suddenly made a U-turn and came up to the victim. Several suspects then exited the vehicle and threatened the victim with a taser before demanding the victim’s property. The suspect then punched the victim before immediately fleeing with the victim’s property.

Sunday | May 31


12:47 am | 1500 Sloat Blvd

Officers responded to a report of a robbery. The victim, who was working, reported that the suspect had approached with a gun pointed at her. The victim immediately fled away from the suspect. Responding officers arrived at the location and determined that the suspect stole money out of the register after the victim fled.

June 2020

Taraval Station News
Taraval Station Graphic

— Taraval Station Community Meeting —

We will update everyone with the date and location of our next meeting. The Community Room is closed. Stay tuned for more info:

We appreciate all the “Thank you” and well wishes. Along with many of the other first responders, doctors and nurses, grocery store employees, delivery employees and essential businesses will do what’s needed.

Compared to the same time last year (2019), the stats to date: we are down 18% in vehicle burglaries, 34% in burglaries, 28% in assaults, 14% in robberies and 6% in vehicle thefts.

Protect Against Catalytic Converter & Prius Hybrid Battery Theft

 catalytic converter

Thieves are looking for fuel-powered vehicles manufactured after 1974 that have catalytic converters. They often target taller vehicles (pickup trucks, SUVs and now Prius) because they can easily fit under the vehicle to access the catalytic converter. Don’t park in one place for a long period of time. Park in well-lit areas. Park in a garage if you can. Weld the catalytic converter to your car’s frame —it’s harder to steal.

Engrave your vehicle identification number (VIN) on it to alert a scrap dealer that it was stolen and identify the owner.

To report a crime in progress, dial 911(or 415-553-8090 on cell phones) or any emergency related to public safety.

NOTE: For the Taraval Crime Report go to:

Feb-Apr 2020

Captain Nicholas Rainsford

Community Safety Meeting: Tuesday, December 17 • 6 pm – 7 pm at Taraval Police Station •

Friday | November 1


9:30 pm | 00 Vidal Dr

The victim, who had been cut with a knife, said he was walking home after watching a soccer game when a suspect grabbed his bag from behind, cutting his chin with a knife. The suspect fled with the bag.


3:57 pm | Sloat Blvd & 47th Ave

A woman said she was intoxicated and engaged a ride sharing company to take her home, but she fell asleep in the backseat when the driver got into the back seat and began touching her inappropriately. She got out and the suspect drove away.

Theft – Burglary Tools – Cited

6:41 am | 100 West Portal Ave

Officers, following a tip, found the suspect attempting to break into a parking meter. The suspect was detained and a search located picks used to break into locks and numerous quarters in the his possession He was cited.

Saturday | November 2

Counterfeit Money – Cited

7:41 pm | 3200 20th Ave

The clerk said the suspect paid for merchandise with counterfeit money before leaving the store, but was escorted back to the store by security and returned the merchandise. He tried to walk away, but security, who initially attempted to detain him stopped when they thought they saw a gun. Officers detained him, but a search found no gun. He was cited.

Warrant Arrest – Theft – Arrested

9:24 am | 2400 Noriega St

When officers recognized a known subject, who had recently stolen money from a nearby church, they detained him and after investigation, he was arrested.

Tuesday | November 5


9:21 pm | 200 Jules Ave

A woman said she was walking home with her earphones when she felt tugging on her backpack. When she turned around she saw he had a gun. He took the backpack and fled.


7:57 am | Stratford Dr & Holloway Ave

A woman said she was looking at her cell phone while walking, when a suspect reached over and snatched it, then ran into a waiting vehicle and fled.

Wednesday | November 6

Assault – Arrested

8:30 am | 700 Taraval St

A woman was waiting for the bus when the suspect walked up to her and hit her face. As officers interviewed her, another woman said she had also been slapped in the face for no reason by the suspect. The suspect was located and arrested.

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

3:25 pm | Sloat Bvd & Great Hwy

When patrol officers saw the suspect littering on the streets, he was detained and a computer check revealed an arrest warrant. He was arrested.

Stolen Vehicle – Arrested

9:21 am | 500 Lakeview Ave

Officers found the reported stolen car and detained the suspect found asleep inside. An investigation revealed involvement in disposal of stolen vehicles. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Brandishing a Weapon

3:36 pm | 1300 46th Ave

A store employee said he encountered the suspect on a previous occasion when he came into the store without buying anything and had to be told to leave. Today, he yelled to the clerk to come out and lifted up his shirt to reveal a gun, then fled.

Thursday | November 7

Found Property – Controlled Substance

9:43 am | 2500 16th Ave

An employee of a car share rental company, said they disabled a car when they discovered it was fraudulently rented out. The witness found the car and discovered a gun and illegal drugs were left inside.

Brandishing a Weapon

7:44 pm | Great Hwy & Noriega St

A woman said a car was speeding and abruptly changing lanes before pulling up besides her car. She looked over and shook her head at him. He responded by pointing a gun at her and threatening to shoot her. She slowed down and the suspect continued on ahead of her.

Brandishing a Weapon – Stolen Property

10:12 am | 00 Cambon Dr

The manager for a rental car agency said he was cleaning out a car and had some personal items next to him when the suspect walked by and took his property. He confronted the suspect who responded by brandishing a butter knife at him. Officers found him and detained and cited him.

Friday | November 8

Assault – Arrested

6:20 pm | 3800 Noriega St

When officers arrived on scene they determined that a road rage incident began when both parties made rude gestures at each other. The suspect got out of his car and confronted the second party, pushed him, then attempted to hit him with a metal rod. The suspect was arrested

Robbery with a Gun

1:51 pm | 1900 Ocean Ave

A clerk said a group came in and pointed a gun at him, demanding money. The suspects then ransacked the store and stole several items of jewelry before fleeing.

Robbery with a Gun – Assault

5:35 pm | Winston Dr & Lake Merced Blvd

A man stopped at a corner to eat his food after leaving a mall when two suspects approached him with a gun and demanded his property. A witness approached the suspect and confronted him and the suspect fired the gun near the witness, causing burn marks on his biceps then fled.

Robbery with a Gun

11:04 am | 20th Ave & Taraval

A man said he went to a bank to withdraw money and when he returned to his car the suspect approached him with a gun demanding his money. He complied and the suspect immediately fled.

Saturday | November 9

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

11:41 am | Great Hwy & 48th Ave

Responding to an incident of possible theft of at a construction site officers saw a suspect entering a closed site. The suspect said he climbed over the barrier to get some cigarettes. A check revealed a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested.


7:35 pm | 32nd Ave & Taraval St

A woman said she was walking when she heard noises behind her and looked behind to see two suspects walking towards her. The suspects grabbed her purse and pulled her to the ground and threatened violence unless she gave them her cell phone. They fled with the phone.

Traffic Violation – No License – Arrested

12:48 am | 19th Ave & Crespi Dr

When officers LIDAR determined that a car was speeding at 70 mph in a 35 mph zone, they conducted a traffic stop. A check revealed an arrest warrant, expired registration and no license. He was arrested.

Sunday | November 10

Stolen Vehicle

1:43 pm | 3200 20th Ave

Notified that a stolen car was nearby, officers conducted a traffic stop. The driver, was detained and after further investigation, was arrested.

Monday | November 11

Stolen Vehicle

7:39 pm | 400 Bright St

Officers investigating a car blocking a driveway contacted the suspect, who was inside. Investigation revealed that the car was rented but was not returned when the rental period expired. He was arrested.

Tuesday | November 12

Assault – Arrested

6:45 pm | Montana St & Capitol Ave

A man said he was walking across the street when a car sped up towards him. The car stopped and the suspect confronted him. After an argument, both parties separated, but while he continued to walk, the suspect returned from behind began punching his back. Officers found the suspect and he was arrested.

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

9:37 am | Ulloa St & Lenox Way

When officers saw a man unconscious on a public bench, they conducted a well being check. A computer check on the his name revealed a warrant and he was arrested.

Wednesday | November 13

Stolen Vehicle – Arrested

3:28 am | 100 Font Blvd

The victims said someone broke into their garage stole their car. Officers found the car with two suspects inside. After further investigation, they were arrested.

Warrant Arrest

4:13 pm | 700 Taraval St

When officers heard a report of suspicious activity — a suspect observed looking through many car and building windows — they found the suspect standing by a parked car. A check revealed two arrest warrants and he suspect was arrested.

Vandalism to Property – Arrested

9:15 pm | 1900 Great Hwy

A man said he was asleep when he heard loud banging outside. He went to investigate and saw the suspect vandalizing the front door. Officers found him in possession of a crowbar and hammer. A search of the area revealed recent damages to the door. The suspect was arrested.

Thursday | November 14

Vandalism to Vehicle – Arrested

9:09 am | 200 Stonecrest Dr

When a neighbor left his house, he saw the suspect break the rear window of a nearby car with the stick like object he was carrying, and continued walking away from the broken window. When he reported it, officers detained the suspect and he was arrested.

Friday | November 15


12:20 pm | Ocean Ave & Miramar Ave

A woman was talking on her cell phone when the suspect walked by her and suddenly kicked her for no apparent reason. The suspect then walked away.

Warrant Arrest

11:44 am | 19th Ave & Irving St

Officers conducted a wellbeing check when they saw the subject lying on the corner near an intersection. A check revealed an arrest warrant, and the subject was arrested.

Brandishing a Weapon

10:56 pm | 1800 Ocean Ave

A group said they were playing basketball when the suspect asked to join the game. When they told him he would have to wait until the current game was over, he waited about 10 minutes, then angrily threw a water bottle on the gym floor and took a gun out, but did not remove it from it’s holster nor point it at anyone. Then he walked away.

Sunday | November 17


7:18 pm | 1300 11th Ave

Two women were walking when a car stopped and two suspects exited got out. One of the suspects offered a gold colored necklace to one of the women, reaching over to put it over her head. She refused and blocked the first suspect but the second grabbed her own necklace and fled with it.

Stolen Vehicle – Stolen Property

7:20 am | Ocean & Harold Ave

A man reported that his car was missing and on his way to the station to file a report when he discovered his car nearby with the suspect inside it. Officers responded and detained the suspect. A search of the car located more of the victim’s property. When a check revealed a warrant for his arrest, he was arrested.

Auto Burglary – Arrested

12:46 pm | Great Hwy & Sloat

Responding to a report, officers were approaching car when the suspect attempted to exit. They detained the suspect also identified and detained two other suspects in the area. Two of the suspects were later arrested and one suspect was cited.

Monday | November 18


8:06 pm | Plymouth Ave & Broad

A woman was sitting near the door of a LRV when the suspect grabbed her cell phone. She tried to stop him, but he pushed her and a nearby elderly passenger out of the away and fled with it.

Wednesday | November 20


9:06 am | 1400 La Playa St

Two neighbors argued about one party’s dogs urinating on her plants. Fighting ensued and both parties requested to press charges. Officers cited both parties.

Breaking Windows – Probation Violation

8:26 pm | 2600 Ocean Ave

A woman said she heard the suspect banging on the window next to her but ignored him until she heard the window cracking and saw the glass shattering. Officers detained the suspect and he was arrested.

Friday | November 22

Breaking Windows – Arrested

8:07 am | 00 West Portal Ave

A man, who appeared to be intoxicated and was bleeding, fell down, but got up and kicked at the front window of a restaurant before running away. Officers detained and he was arrested.

Stolen Vehicle – Arrested

7:00 pm | 100 Broad St

A woman called police when she saw the suspect parking a car in front of her home, despite a stay away order. Officers found the car and discovered it was stolen. The suspect was found at the corner and was arrested.

Search Warrant – Arrested

8:33 am

SIT Sgts and TNT officers investigated a robbery that had occurred earlier. The suspects were identified and a search warrant was conducted. One was arrested and a second suspect was cited.

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

1:24 pm | 200 West Portal Ave

When officers saw a suspect standing in the roadway, causing a hazard, they detained him and a check revealed an arrest warrant. The subject was arrested.

Saturday | November 23


9:53 am | Rivera St & 19th Ave

The victim, who was found asleep on the street, reported that he observed three suspects beating someone, he tried to break up the fight but they started hitting him as well. He said that when he awoke, his jacket was missing.


8:16 am | Broad St & Capitol Ave

A woman was sitting on a LRV, holding her purse, when a suspect grabbed the purse and ran off the LRV with it.


12:24 pm | 300 Sloat Blvd

Investigating a report of a suspicious person in Stern Grove, officers detained the suspect, and determined he stole property from an unlocked Rec & Park building He was arrested.

Sunday | November 24

Robbery of a Residence

3:27 am | 00 Byxbee St

At Taraval Station, a man said that he contracted an escort service and when the escort arrived, he went back outside to “get something” but walked back in with two more suspects who pointed a gun at him. They stole his money and other property before fleeing

Tuesday | November 26


4:21 pm | Taraval St & 22nd Ave

Two juveniles said they were on a LRV when four suspects, also juveniles, started an argument with them and demanded their property. One of the suspects punched one of the victims in the face and a second suspect brandished a knife before they stole the victims’ property and fled.

Editors Note: This feature is an abbreviated version of the Police Report found at

December 2019

Wednesday | October 2

Robbery – Arrested

2:05 pm | 1200 Quintara St

A man walked past a group of people holding his cell phone, when the suspects suddenly grabbed it, punched and tripped him. Responding officers located the two suspects in possession of the stolen phone. The suspects were arrested.

Thursday | October 3


11:14 pm | 4600 Irving St

A man said he was outside when the suspect, who was known him, approached him and started an argument, then punched him several times and pepper sprayed him. He fled the area.

Vandalism – Arrested

5:38 pm | 2200 14th Ave

At Taraval Station a man said that a known suspect vandalized his car, causing over $3,000 in damages. During the interview, officers found and arrested the suspect.

Friday | October 4

Vandalism – Trespassing – Arrested

6:44 pm | 1500 46th Ave

A witness heard suspiciously loud banging from across the street went to investigate. He saw the suspect attempting to pry open a garage door. Officers located the suspect inside the garage. He was arrested.

Saturday | October 5


1:33 am | 100 Granada Ave

The victims reported a robbery with a gun. They outside smoking, when three suspects came up and one pointed a gun while the other suspects took property, then tasered one of the victims and searched his car. They fled the area.

Theft – Resisting Arrest – Arrested

2:20 pm | 3200 20th Ave

Officer saw a car driving the wrong way down a parking aisle, then exiting the car to break into another car and stealing a backpack. They tried to stop the car but as he fled, he collided into another car. Officers did not pursue, due to dangerous conditions but determined that it was a rented car and proceeded to the return location, where they found the suspects and one of them was arrested.

Monday | October 7

Assault – Arrested

7:18 am | 1800 Irving St

Officers responded to a report of an A woman was walking, when suddenly the suspect swung a glass bottle, hitting her in the face. Officers found the suspect and he was arrested.


2:12 pm | 1300 46th Ave

Officers responded to a report of an assault. The victim reported that an unknown suspect had suddenly approached him and confronted him for an unknown reason before challenging the victim to a fight. The suspect then hit the victim several times with a wooden stick before immediately fleeing the area.

Wednesday | October 9


8:28 pm | 200 Kenwood Way

A woman was out walking when she saw a car slowly drive past her as she felt something hit her neck. She thought she had been hit with airsoft pellets. An exam revealed mild swelling on her neck.

Friday | October 11

Arson – Arrested

4:44 pm | 800 Judah St

After reviewing security footage regarding an arson incident in a church, the officers identified the suspect, who was arrested.


1:00 pm | 1300 48th Ave

A woman entered an alcohol and drug treatment facility for males only, and started to eat the food. She was asked to leave the building but she responded by punching a victim before she was escorted out of the building.

Saturday | October 12

Assault – Warrant Arrest

4:59 pm | 1100 Ocean Ave

Officers responded to a report of an assault. The victim reported that he had been drinking at a bar with the suspect, who was an acquaintance. The victim exited the bar to smoke and the suspect followed him out before challenging him to a fight. The suspect then brandished a knife and threatened the victim with it but the victim walked way from the suspect. Responding officers located the suspect and a computer check revealed an arrest warrant. The suspect was arrested.

Sunday | October 13

Theft – Arrested

1:03 pm | 400 West Portal Ave

Plain clothes officers observed a suspect walking up to multiple houses, looking into their mailboxes. They detained the suspect and found numerous pieces of mail in her possession with addresses from many city locations. A check revealed that she was on probation and had an arrest warrant. She was arrested.

Tuesday | October 15

Traffic Violation – Battery – Cited

5:59 pm | 20th Ave & Ortega St

A man said he was on the sidewalk when the suspect’s car reversed backwards nearly hitting him. He confronted the suspect, who responded angrily and punched him. The suspect was cited.


5:37 pm | 1500 Ocean Ave

A man said he was buying something in the store when two suspects walked in and punched and kicked him, then fled.

Wednesday | October 16

Stolen Vehicle – Arrested

9:42 pm | 00 Cambon Dr

A man called a tow truck because a car was illegally parked and the two truck driver said the vehicle had three occupants—and had been reported as stolen. Officers found one suspect, still in the car, but the other two suspects were gone. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Resisting or Delaying Officers

9:21 pm | Wawona St & 16th Ave

When officers saw a car being driven without headlights, they conducted a traffic stop and saw a passenger running from the car. He refused to stop. When he was detained, it was determined he had taken illegal drugs and was cited and released to an ambulance for medical treatment.

Thursday | October 17


8:35 pm | 00 Pinehurst Way

A womain said arrived home earlier and opened the garage door to park her car, but when she got out, she discovered that there were two suspects inside the garage. They rummaged through her home before fleeing. She said she was hit in the head.

Brandishing a Weapon

5:55 pm | Bruce Ave & Harold Ave

A woman said she pulled behind a suspect’s stopped car when a passenger got out and yelled at her. She tried to take photos of the car and drive away but the suspect’s car caught up to her and the passenger approached her while brandishing a gun, then returned to the car and fled.

Package Theft – Arrested

8:30 am | 1600 9th Ave

A witness reported a suspect who was stealing packages from several houses in the past few days. Officers found the suspect in possession of numerous missingpackages. The suspect was arrested.

Friday | October 18

Assault – Arrested

3:38 am | 1700 Lincoln Way

A gas station employee said she had just taken the garbage out and was walking back when the suspect began punching and hitting her. She recognized the suspect, who had a history of trouble at the last station. Officers found the suspect and the suspect was arrested.

Saturday | October 19

Theft From A Vehicle

3:52 pm | 3200 20th Ave

Plain clothes officers noticed a suspisuspect closely scrutinizing cars. They confronted the suspect who ran to his car and fled without regard for public safety, colliding with multiple vehicles.

Vandalism – Under the Influence

1:28 am | 200 Saint Charles Ave

A victim said a large group was making too much noise and asked them to quiet down. The suspect responded angrily smashing the victim’s window with his fist. Officers found the suspect and he was cited.

Sunday | October 20


7:47 pm | 2500 17th Ave

A man was in a private area of the church when he saw the suspect taking money that belonged to the church. When he tried to stop him but the suspect said he had guns with him before fleeing, but he never saw any guns.


5:56 am | 400 Kirkham St

A cab driver said he picked up the suspect and delivered him to his destination, but when the rider tried to pay with two coupons, it was not enough to cover the fare. The suspect threw something at the driver, but someone came out of the suspect’s building and paid for the fare.

Tuesday | October 22

Assault – Arrested

10:37 pm | 2400 Noriega St

A bartender, said the suspect was intoxicated and offered to buy her a drink. She declined and he threw something at her head when she turned away. She was injured and bleeding. The suspect was arrested.

Thursday | October 24

Shooting – Arrested

2:15 pm | 3000 26th Ave

Officers administered CPR to a person who had been shot, but the victim succumbed to her injuries. After further investigation, the suspect was identified and placed into custody.

Saturday | October 26


9:35 pm | Randolph & Orizaba

A man was walking with his bicycle when two suspects came up and pulled his backpack off. He fell to the ground and the suspects kicked him. and stole his bicycle and fled.

Monday | October 28

Assault – Vandalism to Vehicle

8:15 am | 300 Claremont Blvd

When a man arrived at his ex-girlfriend’s house to pick up his personal items, the suspect, a new boyfriend, came out of the house and threatened him with a knife., then damaged his car. Officers arrested the suspect.

Package Theft – Arrested

5:09 pm | 100 Castenada Ave

A victim saw the suspect stealing packages. Officers detained the suspect and found numerous stolen packages with the victim’s name on them. A check revealed that the suspect had been arrested the previous week for committing the same offense. The suspect was arrested

Editors Note: This feature is an abbreviated version of the Police Report found at

November 2019

Sunday | September 1


1:21 am | 400 Plymouth Ave

A man was walking home when he was approached by the suspect who asked for money and cigarettes. He said “no” before continuing to walk away, and the suspect slapped him and walked away.

Stolen Vehicle – Arrested

6:34 pm | Dorantes Ave & Cortes Ave

A man said his car was stolen and that it was being followed by a witness and his wife. Officers found the car abandoned and the suspect. With positive identification, the suspect was arrested.

Tuesday | September 3


7:43 am | 25th Ave & Irving St

A woman was on her way home when the suspect demanded her purse while holding a fake BB gun. When she refused, a struggle ensued in which she fell and was dragged along the ground until the suspect fled with the purse.

Thursday | September 5


4:17 pm | Wawona St & 24th Ave

A dog walker said she was working with a client’s dog when the suspect began video recording her on a cell phone, claiming she was mistreating the dog. When she pushed the his phone away, he began punching and kicking her.

Saturday | September 7

Package theft – Cited

8:53 am | 700 Judah St

A man said his package was just stolen and provided a security video of the incident. Officers found the suspect who was no longer in possession of the package, but a nearby search located the package and items in a portable toilet. He was cited.

Sunday | September 8

Burglary – Shoplifting

4:05 pm | 3200 20th Ave

The witness said the suspects, who were observed taking a laptop from a display area at the same time SF State Police received a call regarding two people, with matching descriptions, knocking on a Parkmerced resident’s door—asking for help. Officers found and detained them, and one was cited and other was arrested.

Traffic Collision – DUI – Arrested

2:45 am | 19th Ave & Sloat Blvd

Officers were driving across 19th Avenue when a car, traveling along Sloat Avenue, collided with them. Determining he was intoxicated, the driver was arrested. The officers were admitted to a hospital with minor injuries.

Monday | September 9

Stolen Vehicle – Arrested

5:56 pm | 17th Ave & Taraval St

The witness suspected that a car, stalled in the middle of the road did not belong to the suspect and the suspect asked for help to push it to the side of the road. The suspect told responding officers he found the car in a field with the key inside when it was determined that the suspect did not have a license, he was arrested.

Wednesday | September 11

Burglary – Marijuana Cultivation

5:28 pm | 300 Lakeview Ave

A witness saw three suspects, all wearing masks, run out of a building. Officers conducted a safety check inside the building and found a large amount of marijuana growing inside the home.

Friday | September 13

Assault with a Gun – Arrested

11:58 am | 3200 Serrano Dr

A man said the suspect, who owed him money pulled a gun, put a bullet in the chamber and pointing it at him. Officers detained the suspect, who t was arrested.

Attempted Robbery

7:23 pm | 00 Harold Ave

A woman was walking when two suspects walking past suddenly pushed her on to the ground while the other unsuccessfully pulled on her purse. She screamed for help and both suspects fled.

Sunday | September 15

Traffic Collision – Hit & Run – Transporting Marijuana

7:13 pm | 19th Ave & Judah St

The witness said a speeding car rear ended another car, then struck a home and several other parked cars—narrowly missing a pedestrian, who jumped to avoid being hit. The driver and passenger fled. A check revealed it was a rental car and a search found a large amount of cash and marijuana inside. It was towed.

Robbery with a Gun

12:10 am | Shields St & Ramsell St

The victim said he to a friend of a friend’s house when two suspects took personal items from his pocket while one suspect held a gun, putting it in his face several times. Then they took his keys to open the trunk and stole his marijuana then fled.

Monday | September 16


5:54 pm | 1700 Great Hwy

An employee for a medical marijuana delivery service, said she was at the delivery location when the suspect asked if she worked for the delivery service and then demanded the package of marijuana, then pepper sprayed her and stole the package.

Tuesday | September 17


7:45 pm | 3200 20th Ave

A man was standing in front of the mall when six or seven suspects demanded his money. He said he didn’t have any money and they pushed him down and kicked him, reached into his pockets, then fled with the stolen property.

Wednesday | September 18

Shooting Into a Home

1:26 am | 200 Font Blvd

A woman said she was asleep on her couch when somebody knocked on her door. She ignored it, but walked upstairs to her bedroom and saw a parked car and two suspects standing outside. Then she heard loud noises — like fireworks. When she investigated later, there were holes in her downstairs walls.

Thursday | September 19

Theft form a Vehicle – Stolen property

5:51 am | 25th Ave & Eucalyptus Dr

Hearing a suspicious banging noise from the street, a man reported a suspect breaking into cars when he saw the suspect standing at the back of a car with a shattered window. Officers found the suspect and retrieved property belonging to the witness, inside the suspect’s vehicle. Further investigation revealed that the suspect was also involved in an earlier incident of robbery. The suspect was arrested.

Friday | September 20

Breaking Windows

9:45 pm | 1900 29th Ave

A man said he had been speaking to the victim about his broken window when the suspect walked by. He asked the suspect if he knew anything about the broken window and the suspect admitted he broke the window—then threw a glass bottle down. He was arrested.

Monday | September 23

Robbery – Arrest

6:59 pm | Ocean Ave & Plymouth Ave

A man at a MUNI bus stop was checking his phone when the suspect walked up and snatched at it. in a struggle a second suspect appeared to help, then they fled with the stolen phone. Officers detained the suspects and they were arrested.

Tuesday | September 24


11:29 pm | 1300 46th Ave

A woman was in front of a store when the suspect approached and pushed her, and she fell to the floor. The suspect then fled.

Wednesday | September 25

Vehicle Burglary – Stolen Property

5:33 pm | Junipero Serra & Stratford Dr

The witness reported a suspect inside a car, putting items into a bag before fleeing. Officers found him and stolen property in his possession. He was arrested.

Thursday | September 26

Stolen Vehicle – Resisting Arrest

8:00 pm | Ocean Ave & Capitol Ave

A victim told officers he was following behind his stolen car. Officers found the car and stopped and arrested the suspect.

Friday | September 27

Stolen Vehicle – Evading Police Officer

11:18 pm Jules Ave & Ocean Ave

A driver left his car running to pick something up. The suspect drove off. Officers failed to stop the speeding car until it hit another car. They arrested the suspect.

Editors Note: This feature is an abbreviated version of the Taraval Police Report found at

October 2019

SF Police Officers Make Arrests in Taraval Burglary

JULY 31, 2019 | 11:24 AM

On July 22nd, 2019 at approximately 2:49 PM, Taraval district police officers responded to a burglary in progress call at a residence on the 1500 block of 44th Avenue.

Upon arrival, officers noticed a gray Ford Fusion parked with its engine running. An officer contacted the driver of the vehicle who was later identified as 20 year-old Vallejo resident Tristen Stelly and questioned him as to who he was waiting for.

While one officer was talking with Stelly, other officers saw two suspects running out the front door of the victim residence. The first suspect saw the officers and dropped a semi-automatic firearm before retreating into the residence. Officers saw a second suspect exiting the home armed with a firearm and a flat pry bar. The officers ordered the suspect to drop the firearm and the pry bar. He complied and was taken into custody. The two firearms and the pry bar were seized and secured, along with a third firearm found on the steps next to the home.

The first suspect attempted to flee out of the back door of the home to a getaway car, but he was quickly apprehended.

Twenty-two year-old San Francisco resident Jose Banos-Gomez was charged with burglary, conspiracy, possession of stolen property, being a felon in possession of a firearm and resisting arrest.

Twenty year-old San Francisco resident Frank English was charged with burglary, conspiracy, possession of burglary tools and possession of a loaded firearm.

Twenty year-old Vallejo resident Tristan Stelly was charged with burglary and conspiracy.

All three suspects were booked at the SF County Jail. While arrests have been made, anyone with information call the SFPD 24 hour tip line at 1-415-575-4444 or Text a Tip to TIP411 and begin the text message with SFPD. You may remain anonymous.

Friday | August 2


7:03 pm | Dewey & Laguna Honda Blvds

A cyclist riding in the area was cut off by the suspect in a vehicle. When an argument ensued the driver punched the cyclist and drove away.

Warrant Arrest

4:06 pm | 200 West Portal Ave

When a suspect refused to leave a store, officers detained the suspect. A check revealed warrants out of San Francisco and Pleasanton. The suspect was arrested.

Saturday | August 3


7:34 am | Plymouth Ave & Lobos St

A woman was out exercising when someone grabbed her from behind, threw her to the ground and inappropriately touched her, then walked away. She called her husband, who confronted the suspect. He punched the husband and fled.

Sunday | August 4

Traffic Collision – Hit & Run – Cited

12:50 am | 300 Judah St

A woman said she heard a crash and discovered that her car had been damaged by a car that was parked close by. When she tried to exchange information with the suspect, who fled. Officers found and cited the suspect.

Vandalism to Vehicle – Cited

12:58 pm | 47th Ave & Vicente St

Notified that a man saw the suspect throwing a brick at his car window, officers detained him. And when damages to multiple cars nearby were found, he was cited.

Monday | August 5

Discharge of Firearm – Detention

3:49 pm | 1200 46th Ave

The victim said he was cleaning his gun, which had been loaded, when he accidentally pulled on the trigger and injured himself. After investigation, he was admonished.


5:19 pm | 3200 20th Ave

A man was out walking when three suspect came up behind him, threw him on the ground, punched and kicked him, Then fled the area.


12:21 pm | 200 Lee Ave

A taxi driver said he was driving the suspect to his location when he suddenly wanted to stop and get out. When he refused to stop the rider sprayed him with an unknown substance. He stopped the car and the suspect got out.

Search Warrant – Arrested

4:00 am | Oakland, CA

A search warrant involving a gun fired at a victim resulted in locating the suspect and a search revealed illegal weapons and weapon parts. He was arrested.

Wednesday | August 7

Battery – Arrested

6:16 pm | 600 Capitol Ave

Investigating a battery incident from July in which the victim was seriously injured when the suspect punched him during a basketball game, TNT officers found the suspect and he was arrested.

Friday | August 9


11:28 pm | 400 Urbano Dr

A man was walking on the sidewalk when he noticed a car following him, then a suspect approached and put him into a headlock. He escaped but two more suspects wrestled him to the ground. When he took the phone from his pocket and threw it away from him, they released him, took the phone and immediately fled.

Robbery of a Store

12:35 pm | 200 West Portal Ave

A manager at Walgreens said the suspect had a history of shoplifting at the store and confronted her. She demanded that the manager stop following her and threatened to pepper spray him. When he stopped she fled with stolen merchandise.

Saturday | August 10

Theft – Resisting Arrest – Cited

7:46 pm | 2100 Taraval St

The victim confronted the suspect when he saw him stealing money, but he fled the store. Officers found the suspect and ordered him to stop but he continued to move away. They detained and handcuffed him, despite his resisting, then refused to provide his name. After further investigation, he was identified and cited.

Monday | August 12

Suspended License – Methamphetamines

7:33 pm | 1400 46th Ave

Officers noticed a car with a registration expired since April 2018. During a traffic stop a check revealed a suspended drivers license. The driver said his paperwork was in his backpack and gave them permission to look inside. They found the paperwork and a substance suspected to be methamphetamine. After further testing the driver was cited.

Tuesday | August 13

Burglary – Marijuana Offense

12:59 am | 400 Ramsell St

A woman told officers she heard a suspicious noise from her downstairs tenant and officers discovered that a door had been forced open. A search of the area inside located numerous marijuana plants.

Vandalism – Stay Away Order

1:25 am | 1200 Ocean Ave

A man with a stay away order from McDonalds was located near the damage made to a McDonald’s drive through window and door. A check also revealed a warrant and he was arrested.

Wednesday | August 14

Arson – Probation Violation – Arrested

10:33 pm | 100 Holloway Ave

A man was reported trying to set a tree on fire. Officers located the suspect, who was wheeling a shopping basket filled with ashes and burnt residue. He told them he bought a frozen pizza and had built a fire to cook it. Another spot was found nearby with a recent fire. A check revealed the suspect was on probation and he was arrested.

Saturday | August 17


12:15 am | 1300 Noriega St

A man was eating at a restaurant when a stranger started up a conversation. He did not want to engage with the suspect, who pushed him off of his chair and put him in a headlock. The suspect then fled.

Suspended Driver’s License – Traffic Violation

5:00 pm | 3200 20th Ave

When officers saw a car with heavily and illegally tinted windows on the front and passengerside. A check on the driver revealed that his license had been suspended. He was cited.


4:30 pm | 19th Ave & Winston Dr

A woman was in the back of a MUNI bus when 5 suspects approached her and demanded her property. The suspect pushed and punched her, then fled with her backpack.

Sunday | August 18


An Uber driver picked up a passenger who was acting erratically, demanding to get out. But when he stopped, the passenger refused to get out. The driver exited, opened the suspect’s door —then backed away when he noticed that the suspect had a knife. The suspect got out and sat in the driver’s seat and the driver continued to tell him to leave. He made a threatening slashing motion towards him when he eventually left. The driver noticed that his phone was gone when got back to his seat.


3:18 pm | 1300 48th Ave

At Taraval Station a man said a neighbor he had an ongoing issue with, pushed him in a shared garage which caused an injury to the his hand. The suspect then fled.

Burglary – Possession of Stolen property

8:34 am | 200 Serrano Dr

A woman said that her her cell phone was stolen when her home was burglarized on Saturday. When she called her phone, which was in the suspect’s possession, he answered and wanted “to give her items back.” Officers found the suspect and a search revealed multiple items belonging to the victim. He was arrested.


11:25 pm | 1100 Ocean Ave

A man who had non-threatening injuries, said he was smoking outside when the suspect walked up to him and stabbed him in the chest, then fled.

Resisting Arrest – Investigative Detention

7:41 pm | 4300 Judah St

Officers arrived at a reported fight scene and saw the suspect with a glass bottle in his hand. He refused to put the bottle down. He was subdued with pepper spray and handcuffed. Then he was cited.

Monday | August 19


10:44 pm | Junipero Serra & Sloat Blvds

Officer responded to a report of a battery A man was sitting on MUNI when the suspect suddenly ran towards him and punched him on the forehead, then went to the back of the bus and sat down. At the next stop, the suspect exited the bus.

Tuesday | August 20


3:53 pm | 3200 20th Ave

A store manager, said she tried to stop two suspects from shoplifting but they threatened to use mace, then left the store with stolen merchandise.

Resisting Arrest – Traffic Violation –

11:47 am | 9th Ave & Irving St

Officers arrived at the location and detained a man who was reportedly harassing people. The suspect refused to follow instructions and walked away. A struggle ensued when they handcuffed him and an officer was injured. The suspect was arrested.


3:42 am | 1700 25th Ave

A witness saw the suspect loading items into a vehicle from the home of a recently deceased person. Officers found the suspect and the suspect was arrested.

Wednesday | August 21


7:32 am | 2000 12th Ave

When the suspect’s dog, began to act aggressively towards the victim’s dog, he told the suspect to get off his phone and to control his dog. The suspect punched the victim in the head before fleeing.

Trespassing – Vandalism – Cited

9:38 am | 1200 23rd Ave

The suspect, was sitting on a couch in an apartment he had recently sold but, due to deteriorating mental health, believed he was still the owner. The victim pressed charges and the suspect was cited.

Evading a Police Officer

11:33 pm | Monterey Blvd & San Anselmo

Officers stopped a vehicle with an expired registration and broken rear lights, but the suspect then drove away as soon as the officers approached making contact with an officer his car. The suspect’s vehicle was later located and towed.

Thursday | August 23


5:50 pm | Capitol Ave & Grafton Ave

The victim said he was on a MUNI when five to six suspects stared at him, then elbowed him as they left the bus. He also got off the bus and confronted the suspect. Another suspect then arrived on a motorcycle and told the victim that he was going to rob him but he fled when a suspect pointed a gun at him.

Theft from a Vehicle

1:48pm | 19th Ave & Eucalytpus Dr

The victim was stopped at a red light when a car pulled up next to them, stopped, and two suspects jumped out, broke a window and stole the victim’s backpack, then fled the area in their car.

Saturday | August 24


4:53 pm | Winston Dr & Buckingham Way

A woman was waiting for the bus when several suspects tried to pull her purse away. During the struggle, she fell on the ground, and they grabbed her cell phone before fleeing the area.

Monday | August 26

Discharging a Firearm – Animal Cruelty

10:29 pm | 2100 40th Ave

A woman heard six shots fired and discovered a bullet in her home. Officers determined that the suspect climbed a ladder to get on her roof to shoot at a raccoon and one of the bullets came in the house. A deceased raccoon was found nearby.

Editors Note: This feature is an abbreviated version of the Taraval Police Report found at

September 2019

Captain’s Message

Captain Nicholas Rainsford

Summer is upon us, kids are out of school, back home from school and many adults, parents or not, are taking time off work and dreaming of sunny summer vacations. Apparently Mark Twain once said “the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” With vacations in mind it’s important to protect your residences while you are away. Try not to make it obvious that no one is home. Don’t let newspapers, mail or package deliveries pile up til you’re home and don’t leave garbage cans out while everyone else has taken their’s in. Put a lamp on a timer so it turns on intermittently so it looks like someone is home. These are just some of the tell-tale signs that opportunistic thieves and burglars are looking for.

Look out for each other and let your neighbors know when you’re away so they can keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. Contact your building security, homeowners association, neighborhood watch groups and friends and family you trust and let them know about your plans. Also be aware that social media posts for everyone to see that you’re not at home have come back to bite some people be aware of what you post and if it is public or private. It’s fun to share your vacation experiences, but be aware it may present a risk if circulated with too much detail.

The 4th of July is also around the corner and I want to remind everyone that all fireworks —including “safe and sane” are illegal in San Francisco. There have been past incidents of illegal and dangerous fireworks displays in our neighborhoods please don’t be part of that and if you see something dangerous just call 911. Also a new tip line has been set up using email, if you observe any activity where you think there could be any activity related to illegal fireworks sales you can report you concerns to and we will check it out. Officers throughout the city will be out in the neighborhoods on the 4th taking enforcement action.

Traffic enforcement is an ongoing thing and Vision Zero is always something the Police Dept will focus on. Officers will continue to engage in traffic enforcement operations at different locations in the Taraval District, we call it Focus on the Five. The five intersections with the most accidents are identified through data from our records and then enforcement operations are conducted. Drive safely, look out for each other, have a safe 4th of July and an enjoyable summer.

Follow me on Twitter at @SFPDTaraval f and go to for much more information on crimes tips, traffic safety, home safety and much more.

Saturday | June 1


6:47 pm | 200 Winston Dr

A man was eating dinner when a suspect, who was speaking in nonsense words, approached suddenly punched him, then walked away.

Shoplifting with Force – Arrested

11:30 pm | 2200 Taraval St

Officers reviewed the security footage of an incident they had previously investigated and recognized the suspect as a person with a known history. They located the suspect, who was arrested.

Sunday | June 2

Vandalism to Vehicle – Arrested

6:50 pm | Quintara St & 14th Ave

A witness said the suspect was trying to get on the MUNI but did not press the button to open the doors. The suspect began to rip the windshield wipers off the bus. The suspect was arrested.


5:54 pm | 19th Ave & Holloway Ave

A woman reported that five suspects had started yelling at her and other nearby passengers, to give up their seats to them while they were on a MUNI. She told them she was getting off at the next stop but one of them started to punch and kick her, causing her wallet and phone to fall from her backpack, which they grabbed, and fled.

Monday | June 3

Resisting Arrest – Battery of Police Officer

7:15 pm | 2600 Ocean Ave

A man said he was standing in front of a bank when the suspect suddenly shoved him, then walked away. Officers located the suspect, but he ignored instructions to stop. He resited being handcuffed, causing mild injuries to the officers, and after further investigation, he was cited.

Tuesday | June 4


7:03 pm | 300 Vernon St

A witness who had earphones on was approached by a suspect who placed his hand over hers mouth. She screamed and he demanded her phone. She gave him the phone and he left the area with it.

Attempted Robbery

5:30 pm | Sloat Blvd & Skyline Blvd

A dependent adult said she got on a MUNI when two suspects began to make fun of her, then one punched her as the second grabbed her property. She was able to retrieve her property and exited the bus.

Battery – Cited

1:29 am | 2300 43rd Ave

A man said he was talking in his backyard and smoking a cigarette when his doorbell rang. It was his neighbor, screaming that he was too loud, then he punched him three times. He closed the door and called the police, who cited the neighbor.

Wednesday | June 5

Methamphetamine For Sale – Transport

3:53 pm | West Portal Ave & 14th Ave

When officers saw a person riding an All Terrain Vehicle without a helmet failing to stop at an intersection, they stopped the driver, who gave a false name. A search revealed a small bag of methamphetamine, and one bag behind the driver. The driver’s The suspect was arrested.

Thursday | June 6

Battery – Cited

5:58 pm | 3600 Taraval St

The victim said the suspect was spraying water at the back his house, flooding the backyard. When he confronted the suspect he bagan spraying the victim with water. The suspect was cited.

Stolen Vehicle – Cited

Reported 1:39 am | 1100 Rivera St

When officers saw a car driving in the dark without it’s headlights on, they stopped the driver, a juvenile, who admitted that the car did not belong to him nor did he have a license. An inspection revealed an ankle monitor wrapped in tin foil and he said he was on probation. The owner of the vehicle confirmed it had been stolen. Due to the age of the driver, he was cited.

Embezzlement – Arrested

9:28 am | 200 Winston Ave

A lost prevention agent told officers he saw the suspect taking money out of the register. Further, he discovered that $2000 dollars was missing from the suspect’s register over seven days. Security video corroborated and the suspect was arrested.

Saturday | June 8


5:01 pm | 600 Capitol Ave

The victim was playing basketball against the suspect, who was pushing him hard, then suddenly punched him in the face. The suspect then walked away.

Sunday | June 9

Hit & run – DUI – Warrant Arrest

8:43 pm | Holloway Ave

The victim told officers the suspect hit a car before he hit his car and then ran off on foot. A witness confirmed that the driver ran a stop sign and collided with a car in the intersection, then hit a parked car. Officers found the suspect, who appeared confused and made incoherent statements — frequently symptoms of narcotics. A check revealed a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested.

Threats – Battery of a Police Officer

5:04 pm | 00 Byxbee St

Officers deployed pepper spray on the suspect of a reported fight, when he was very aggressive and refused to comply with orders, swinging his arms and hitting the officers. He was handcuffed and after further investigation, arrested.

Monday | June 10

Shoplifting – Possession of Stolen Property

5:28 pm | 1600 Ocean Ave

After a known shoplifter had just exited a Walgreens, responding officers on their way to the store recognized him at a MUNI platform. When asked, he said the items in his backpack were purchased from Safeway, despite their Walgreen labels. After determining the items were stolen from Walgreens, the suspect was cited.

Shoplifting – Warrant Arrest – Arrested

12:58 pm | 200 West Portal Ave

The merchant said a man came into the store and stole two bags of produce. When officers found him a check revealed a warrant for his arrest, and he was arrested.

Tuesday | June 11


8:14 pm | 00 Lee Ave

A woman said she was walking home when she noticed that she was being followed. Shortly afterwards, somebody pushed her down, grabbed her coin purse and fled.

Firearm in Vehicle – Arrested

3:56 am | 00 Chumasero Dr

Officers noticed a car previously used in a crime involving a gun. It was occupied by two people and a gun was in plain view. They detained the occupants and a search found an illegal, high capacity magazine. A check on the gun revealed that it was stolen. The driver was arrested.

Trespassing – Warrant Arrest – Arrested

2:00 am | 00 Plaza St

When a trespasser was reported inside the plaza, officers found the suspect walking around without any pants, waving a stick around. The suspect was arrested.

Wednesday | June 12

Robbery with Force on School Grounds

4:12 pm | 2200 14th Ave

A student said he was approached by another student, the suspect, who told him to give him money or he would hurt him. He refused and the suspect punched him in the stomach.

Robbery with Force

12:55 am | 19th Ave & Judah St

A man was at a MUNI stop when he saw the suspect exit his car, from across the street, walked towards him, point at him and said “that’s him” before grabbing his shirt and necklace and punching him. The suspect then left with his necklace.


1:47 pm | 300 Faxon St

Officers respond to a report of a battery. A woman said her mother in law struck her in the face, then took her cell phone and erased something that was on it before an argument ensued.

Thursday | June 13

Trespassing – Cited/Arrested

6:57 am | 3200 20th Ave

A trespasser refused to leave the property even though he was warned that he was not welcome there. Officers cited him. He returned at 1 pm and he was then arrested.

Attempted Robbery with Force

4:13 pm | 22nd Ave & Noriega St

The driver stopped at a stop sign to let a man cross the street, but he suddenly banged on her hood and demanded she give him the car. He tried to open the car door, but walked away and boarded a nearby bus when he found it was locked.

Friday | June 14

Robbery with a Gun

9:40 am | 1800 Ocean Ave

A man was sitting on the passenger side of his car when a suspect broke the window on the driver’s side, unlocked the door and stole his wallet and iPhone in the car. When he confronted the suspect, who had a gun in one hand and a knife or screwdriver in the other, as he was taking items from the trunk, he pushed him and fled to a waiting car.

Carrying a Concealed Weapon – Arrested

12:26 pm | Orizaba Ave & Sadowa St

A suspect was reported walking around with a machete that he used to cut down a tree. When ordered to drop the machete, he complied and a search found nunchucks and throwing knives. The suspect was arrested.

Saturday | June 15

Burglary Tools – Weapon – Arrested

7:19 am | 1100 Ulloa St

A witness saw the suspect breaking into a neighbor’s car. Officers found him and a search revealed pepper spray and tools commonly used to break into vehicles, and that he was on probation for assault. The suspect was arrested.

Sunday | June 16

Resisting Arrest – Under the Influence – Trespassing

4:00 am | 1300 38th Ave

The victim said an ex-boyfriend had broken into the garage after repeatedly ringing the doorbell. Officers found and handcuffed him, though he refused orders. After investigation, he was arrested.

Investigative Detention

8:05 pm | 200 Miramar Ave

When officers saw a suspicious car, a check revealed that had been involved in numerous auto burglaries. They stopped and identified the driver, then towed the vehicle.

Tuesday | June 18

Theft from a Vehicle – Stolen Property

12:45 pm | 3900 Alemany Blvd

When officers arrived, the found a reported car burglar in an argument with a victim, then three additional victims came forward and said their cars had also been burglarized. A search of the suspect revealed property belonging to the victims. The suspect was arrested.

Wednesday | June 19

Battery – Cited

7:43 pm | 1100 Ocean Ave

A security guard saw a suspect taking merchandise from the store. When he confronted him an argument ensued and he hit the guard in the face. The suspect was cited.

Saturday | June 22


8:00 am

A man said he received a text message from the suspect saying he had killed his girlfriend. Officers found the deceased victim and detained the suspect, as he attempted to leave the building. He was arrested. This case is being investigated by the Homicide Unit.

Monday | June 24

Attempted Robbery

8:35 pm | 2200 Irving St

When the suspect asked a woman to use her phone, she suspected he was going to take it, so she started to record the incident when he d pulled on her purse. She retained her purse with the help of a witness and the suspect fled.

Attempted Homicide – Arrested

9:26 pm | 19th Ave & Sloat Blvd

A man was on his scooter on the sidewalk when the suspect, who was sweating profusely, brandished a knife and attempted to stab him with it, then crossed the street to get away from him. Officers him and a search revealed a switchblade. He was arrested.


12:34 pm | 3200 20th Ave

A restaurant worker heard a man knocking on the back door to gain entry, saying he was there to fix something. The worker told him to use the front door. At the front door, he was unable to provide an ID or information and hit the victim with a binder before fleeing.

Tuesday | June 25


9:38 am | 900 Judah St

A woman was walking and looking at her cell phone when several suspects pulled up next to her. One got out and demanded her phone. She refused but he pulled the cell phone away from her and fled in the waiting car.

Wednesday | June 26

Robbery – Cited/Arrested

7:31 pm | San Miguel & Mount Vernon

A woman was walking home when the suspect approached and asked what the time was. She checked on her cell phone and he tried to take it. She resisted and a second man snatched the phone from behind her. She positively identified them when officers found them, both juveniles. A check revealed that one had an arrest warrant, and he was arrested. The other was cited.

Brandishing Weapon

12:03 am | Garfield St & Bright St

A caller told officers that a man with a gun. was saying he wanted to shoot people — officers as well. Officers persuaded him to drop the gun which was found to be a true to life replica. He was cited and to an emergency room for a psychological exam.


9:19 pm | 18th Ave & Taraval St

A man just completed a Western Union transaction at Safeway when two suspects appeared and started to punch and kick him, then reached into his pocket and took the money before fleeing.

Burglary – Arrested

5:50 am | 2000 15th Ave

A man saw the suspect taking items from the his garage, putting them into his car. He confronted him and he fled. Officers found him and a check revealed probation and an arrest warrant. He was arrested.

Robbery of a Residence

12:03 pm | 200 Orizaba Ave

The homemaker said the suspect used a key to get into their house, than pointed a gun at them, demanding money. He took the money and fled. She said they believed their daughter, who used drugs was hanging with questionable people lately, may have given or lost her house key.

Thursday | June 27

Stolen Vehicle – Arrested

10:01 pm | Ocean Ave & Harold Ave

Officers located a reported stolen car and saw that the front and back license plates did not match. A check on both confirmed it was stolen. They stopped the driver, who said was driving for an intoxicated friend who had been too intoxicated. He hot-wired the vehicle so he could drive him home. He was arrested.

Friday | June 28

Battery – Cited

10:01 pm | 1400 19th Ave

An employee of a gas station, said the customer was upset and demanded a receipt. He told him the payment system was down and he couldn’t give a receipt. The suspect pushed him, then struck his face. Officers found the suspect. After further investigation, he was cited.

Robbery – Fireworks – Arrested

7:18 am | 3500 Lawton St

Obtaining information regarding a suspect involved in an earlier robbery incident, TNT officers conducted a search warrant at his home which revealed a large amount of fireworks. The suspect was arrested.

Saturday | June 29

No Driver’s License – Traffic Violation

11:36 pm | 22nd Ave & Irving St

When a car failed to stop at a stop sign, officers stopped the car and a check revealed the driver had a history of the same offense, and did not have a valid driver’s license. He was cited and his vehicle was towed.

Threats – Trespassing – Arrested

8:34 pm | 20th Ave & Buckingham Way

The suspect at a Stonestown mall, was told he was no longer welcome and was told to leave. But the suspect said he had a gun and would use it. Officers found him and a check revealed five arrest warrants. The suspect was arrested.

Sunday | June 30

Possession of Narcotics – Arrested

4:20 pm | 100 West Portal Ave

Officers saw a suspect looking up quickly before ducking behind car inside a parking lot. They approached and saw an open can of beer next to him and a bag of clothes. A computer check on the suspect revealed an arrest warrant and a search of the suspect revealed a pipe commonly used to inhale cocaine. The suspect was arrested.

Editor’s Note: This is an incomplete selection of the full Crime Report. For the full report go to:

JULY 2019

Captain’s Message

Captain Nicholas Rainsford

Graduations are in full swing and there is a lot to celebrate with so many people, both young and not so young, accomplishing their educational goals. There will be many social gatherings of family and friends to express well deserved congratulations to the graduates. As all celebrations go, not just graduations, please make sure if alcohol is involved that you make a plan in advance for transportation. A pre-planned designated driver is always good and if that is not possible please consider other alternatives such as a Taxi, Uber, Lyft or public transportation. It is always heart wrenching when celebrations turn to tragedy and life’s cut short due to impaired driving. Impaired driving is more than just alcohol it also means cannabis, prescription drugs and other drugs. So please be smart and plan your celebrations with everyone’s safety in mind. Officers from Taraval as well as the City will be on the lookout for impaired drivers so don’t drive impaired, it’s not worth it.

With many students returning home from college it’s a parent’s duty to “have that talk” and reinforce the message it is not ok to drive impaired. Friends also have a duty not to get in a vehicle if they know the driver may be impaired and to try to intervene when an impaired driver gets behind the wheel. Also if you see someone who you think is impaired operating a vehicle call 911 and the police will respond.

I would also like to share a word regarding Burglaries. Recently Supervisor Mar held a hearing on Burglaries and followed up with a town hall meeting to hear more from the community. In reviewing burglary reports one thing I frequently notice is that crooks often gain access to homes through garages by breaking into cars when they see a garage door opener. Then they point the opener at several homes and just start clicking to see which garage door it will open. The garage door opener is kept in plain view usually clipped to the visor. This is easy pickings for opportunistic scoundrels. Keep your garage door openers out of plain view and either in a console, glove box or even under a seat just don’t make it so visible.

I have been pushing out a weekly “Intel” report to all the Officers at Taraval Station. I study all the crime trends and reports and then extract the need to know information onto a handy quick reference sheet. As a result of this Taraval Officers Lake Herbert and Anthony Watson recently made an excellent burglary in progress arrest when the bad guy parked his stolen car behind a business on 19th Ave, smashed the glass out of its door and illegally entered. They knew of prior incidents at this area and did a great job locking down the outside of the business and coordinating response from additional Officers. The burglar was subsequently taken into custody and don’t you know it, as the investigation unfolded, he was linked to other burglaries. Nice work guys.

Recently I have been expanding on the message “If you see something, say something”. If you see something you can also “video that something” most of us have cell phones handy and video of criminal activity provides investigative leads we otherwise may not get.

Follow me on Twitter at @SFPDTaraval for some really interesting tweets and go to for much more information on crimes tips, traffic safety, home safety and much more.

Thursday | May 2

Traffic Violation – Resisting Arrest

1:19 am | Ocean Ave & Lee Ave

After officers failed to stop a suspect riding a bicycle on the sidewalk—he fled immediately, but they caught up to him as (commonly used to smoke methamphetamine). The bicyclist was cited.

Warrant Arrest – Shoplifting

4:39 pm | 200 West Portal Ave

Subsequent to a shoplifting report, officers arrived at the store but a search for the suspect was unsuccessful at first. However, an hour later, they located him with the stolen merchandise. When a check revealed a warrant for his arrest, he was arrested.

Monday | May 6

DUI – Traffic Violation – Arrested

11:58 pm | Ocean Ave & Junipero Serra

Officers located the car reportedly driving without it’s headlights on around midnight. In the traffic stop they noticed the suspect’s bloodshot eyes and his answers were delayed or inconsistent. He was arrested after he failed a field sobriety test.

Tuesday | May 7

Trespassing – Stolen Property

12:38 am | 2300 42nd Ave

Officers were detained the suspect, who had previously been observed trespassing at a school stealing stuffed toys and rubber balls on video surveillance. He was found outside of the school building with a rubber ball. He was cited.


6:58 pm | 24th Ave & Santiago St

When officers heard a loud scream for help, they found the victim, who said the suspect was following him before pushing him down and stealing his scooter. The officers located and detained the suspect, a juvenile, and cited him.

Thursday | May 9

Vandalism – Arrested

4:34 pm | 2100 44th Ave

When a man noticed his car’s window wipers were bent out of shape while it was in his driveway, he reviewed his security video and called police, who identified the suspect, standing at a nearby corner. They detained him and he was arrested.

Friday | May 10

Shoplifting – Warrant Arrest

11:07 am | 1100 Ocean Ave

A loss prevention employee recognized a suspect, who had a previous theft history and saw the suspect take merchandise. Responding officers detained the suspect and a check revealed an arrest warrant. The suspect was arrested.


7:48 pm | 1100 Ocean Ave

A manager at the supermarket said she was in the loading area when she heard yelling and saw the suspect sitting in a car blocking the delivery area. She asked him to move but he refused. When told him she would notify the police and tried to photograph hes license plate he put his car in reverse and narrowly missed hitting her. The suspect fled the area.

Theft – Assault

4:58 pm | 2600 Sloat Blvd

A woman was sitting outside of a store with her laptop on the table but when she left it to get some water for her dog, a suspect approached the table and snatched the laptop before fleeing immediately into a waiting vehicle. She tried to stop and tried to open the car’s door but the car struck her leg and fled the area.

Saturday | May 11

Possession of Methamphetamine

2:48 pm | 700 Taraval St

Officers conducted a traffic stop and a check revealed that the registration had been suspended and that the driver also had an San Mateo warrant. A search of the suspect revealed paraphernalia and methamphetamine. The suspect was arrested.

Violation of Restraining Order

3:22 pm | 200 Granada Ave

Officers located the suspect of a reported burglary. A check found warrants and the suspect was arrested.

Brandishing a Firearm

12:31 am | 00 Lee Ave

A man who was hosting a party refused entry to the suspect, who responded by forcing his way in and pointing a gun at the victim before leaving the area.

Sunday | May 12

Shoplifting – Conspiracy

2:36 pm | 700 Taraval St

Plain clothes officers saw a car without a license plate back into a store’s parking spot. Two suspects got out and went into the store with an empty bag. Shortly afterwards, they ran out of the store with a full bag. They detained the suspects, who had $600 in the bag. They were arrested.

Tuesday | May 14

Stolen Vehicle

3:36 pm | 100 Font Blvd

The witness, a tow truck driver was in the process of attaching ab illegally parked car. when the suspect approached him. He agreed not to tow the car if the suspect paid the fee for the truck’s arrival. He responded angrily and police were notified. A search of the showed it had been stolen from San Mateo rental firm. He denied it and asserted that it was a billing error, but after further investigation, he was arrested.

Wednesday | May 15

DUI – Vehicle Violation

3:00 am | Lincoln Way & 20th Ave

When officers found a reported car stopped in the middle of the street with the engine running, they saw that the driver had passed out. After knocking on the car window, the driver woke up but started the vehicle slowly despite the officers yelling to stop. When he eventually stopped, he failed several field tests. He was arrested.

Thursday | May 16


12:35 pm | 2500 Noriega St

A store clerk, said three suspects came in, and one of them tried to make a purchase. However, the credit card and ID did not match the suspect and the transaction was refused. The clerk asked them to leave and blocked the doorway when they tried to re enter the store. One suspect angrily punched the clerk in the face while a second hit him with his skateboard. They pepper sprayed him and walked away.

Friday | May 17

Burglary – Methamphetamine

3:25 am | 2100 19th Ave

Officers checked on a car without a front license plate and a shattered back door parallel parked next to a building. It revealed that it was stolen, when the suspect ran out of the building and tried to hide under nearby bushes. They detained him and found methamphetamine in his pocket. Multiple burglary tools were found in the car and he was arrested.

DUI – Traffic Violation

6:35 pm | 9th Ave & Lincoln Way

After SFFD medics removed the driver, who was passed out in a car that was stopped in the middle of traffic, officers found a can of beer on the back floor. After failing multiple tests, he was arrested.


12:13 pm | 2200 Taraval St

A man came into the pet hospital claiming he had been stabbed. He said he had been drinking all night and fell asleep while on the bus, but awoke to a pain in his shoulder and saw blood on his shirt.

Arson of a Vehicle

4:59 am | Lincoln Way & 35th Ave

After three vehicles on fire were extinguished by SFFD, officers contacted the victims but none knew why their cars were on fire. The incident is currently being investigated by the SFFD arson task force.

Saturday | May 18

Discharging of a Firearm

11:35 pm | 100 Ramsell St

A witness said two victims were crossing the street when the suspect started shooting at their direction, but then ran into a car and drove away. Officers found the fired casings, but there were no calls for assistance or gunshot injuries reported.

Sunday | May 19

Heroin Offense – Cited

8:09 am | San Aleso Ave & Upland Dr

When officers found a reported suspicious car with two flat tires with a driver sitting inside the car, the driver who said he was driving last night and hit a pole, but stayed in the car to sleep. He said, while he did not have any weapons, he did have drugs, which they found, and he was cited.

Wednesday | May 22

Warrant Arrest

22:54 pm | 32nd Ave & Irving St

When a suspect swung his skateboard at a passerby, and officers checked him for arrest warrants. San Mateo was positive. The suspect was arrested.


10:28 pm | Lincoln Way & 24th Ave

A woman said she had just finished work, got into her car and engaged the keys when two suspects suddenly opened the door, told her to get out, then punched her, pulled her out, got into the car and fled with it.

Thursday | May 23


1:02 am | 00 Sylvan Dr

A woman was on her way home when one of a group of suspects demanded her property while another grabbed her backpack, causing her to fall. They kicked her and took her property before leaving the area.

Assault - Breaking Windows

3:18 pm | 3200 20th Ave

A security guard said he found a man sleeping in a stairwell and told him to leave. Angered, the suspect struck his car with a metal rod and tried to hit him as well, then fled.

Friday | May 24


1:52 am | 24th Ave & Quintara St

A man, who appeared to be intoxicated, told officers that a suspect approached him, asked him why he was looking at him, then punched him numerous times and fled.


11:30 am | 1600 36th Ave

A man was walking his dog when the suspect became friendly towards his dog, then suddenly tried to take the dog’s leash. when he resisted, the suspect punched him in the face and took the dog away. A witness confronted the suspect and rescued the dog. When officers found the suspect, who appeared intoxicated, he tried to punch one of the officers. He refused to comply with instructions and pepper spray was deployed. He was arrested.

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

11:13 pm | 00 West Portal Ave

Officers found a suspect who had been reportedly threatening people on a MUNI train. A computer check revealed an arrest warrant. The suspect was arrested.

Monday | May 27


8:40 am | Lakeview Ave & Brighton Ave

A woman was walking to a bus stop when the suspect, who was walking towards her, suddenly grabbed her purse and yanked it. The straps broke off on the purse and the suspect fled with it.

Tuesday | May 28

Vandalism to Property

8:27 pm | 2100 30th Ave

A woman told officers her neighbor, the suspect, had previously broken the bedroom window. Today, he used a water hose to spray water through the broken window causing water damage to items inside. The suspect was cited.

Wednesday | May 29


11:33 am | Geneva Ave & Ocean Ave

A man was behind a vehicle that had initially stopped at a red light but did not move when the light changed to green. He honked his horn and a woman got out of her car to throw a bottle at his car. He responded by kicking her car, wherewith she punched and scratched him, then drove away.

Editor’s Note: This is an incomplete selection of the full Crime Report. For the full report go to:

JUNE 2019

Tues., May 21st • 6-7 pm at Taraval Station •

Captain Nicholas Rainsford

The thing that burns me up the most about residential burglaries is that it is a total invasion into your privacy and personal living space. We all can rightfully expect to be secure in our homes and be in a place where we can relax and get some rest from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Although our numbers are looking pretty good as YTD in 2018 there were 157 reported burglaries as compared to 79 YTD in 2019 a 50% reduction there is more work to do. Recently the plainclothes

Taraval Neighborhood Team, TNT, took down a burglary crew from the East Bay who were coming to San Francisco and posing as utility workers. Working together Crime Scene Investigations (CSI), TNT and the Burglary Unit developed investigative leads and followed up with search and arrest warrants which led to the recovery of items stolen in several home burglaries as well as the arrest of two suspects, job well done. The case now is with the District Attorney’s Office. Let’s hope for a good outcome in the courts that supports the community. I continue to monitor when and where burglaries are happening and this information is pushed out to all patrol Officers in a weekly intelligence report so they can focus on affected areas. Plainclothes Officers are also watching these areas so—criminals beware.

If someone shows up at your door, unscheduled, and says they are with a utility company such as PG&E, a cable company or another service, and that company has not been in prior contact with you, that could be a sign they are not who they say they are. Ask for ID, call the 800 number for the company or call the police. We can sort it out.

The other thing that really gets under my skin, is when burglaries are committed at residences under construction where a lot of high value power tools are stolen. There has been a rash of these types of burglaries lately, and my focus has turned to catching those responsible. These contractors, are hardworking people trying to make an honest living and they have the means by which they make that living stolen from them.

If you see something strange going on at a worksite—outside of normal business hours ­­—give the police a call, again, we will sort it out. Additionally I would like to add to the message of “If you see something, say something.” If you see something you can also “video that something.” Most of us have cell phones handy and a video of criminal activity provides investigative leads we otherwise may not get.

In closing I wrote last month about safe driving and I want to give a reminder that traffic enforcement will be ongoing especially around our 5 areas with the most collisions which we call the “focus on the 5”. Drive the speed limit, put your phone down and yield to pedestrians. I know I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but it’s not worth it if you are the cause of a collision for not being attentive to the road and the laws

Follow me on Twitter at @SFPDTaraval for some really interesting tweets and go to for much more information on crimes tips, traffic safety, home safety and much more.

Monday | April 1


7:06 am | Wawona St & 46th Ave

A MUNI Inspector said the suspect, who had been sleeping in front of a MUNI employee’s bathroom punched him when he asked the suspect to move out of the way. The suspect angrily yelled and punched him twice in his face. Officers investigated and the suspect was cited.

Threats – Arrested

3:40 pm | 200 Vidal Dr

After officers responded the previous day to a report of a suspect and pointing a gun at the victim’s head and threatening, he fled. TNT officers responded back to the home and arrested him without incident.


3:41 am | 1200 La Playa St

The victim said he entered a store when the suspect, a worker, started to yell at him. He left the store to avoid further confrontation but the suspect followed him out and continued to yell at him before spraying him with mace. The victim walked away and washed the mace off.

Tuesday | April 2


4:40 pm | 1400 35th Ave

A man said he saw the suspect walking away with his neighbor’s packages and chased after him. After officers detained him, a search revealed that the suspect was in possession of three packages, stolen from the victim’s front door. He was cited.


11:34 pm | 00 De Montfort Ave

The victim told the officers that he and the suspect, his roommate, had gotten into a verbal argument earlier. After the victim turned on a table lamp, the suspect became angrier and punched the victim in his face. Responding officers arrived at the location and made contact with both parties. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested.

Wednesday | April 3

Traffic Violation – Cocaine for Sale

10:51 pm | 700 Font Blvd

When officers noticed a car without a front license plate, they conducted a traffic stop and observed marijuana on the gear shift. Then several empty bundles fell from the center console. A search found bundles packaged with marijuana or cocaine, scales and items for selling drugs. The suspect was arrested.

Thursday | April 4

Theft from A Locked Vehicle

10:58 pm | 3900 Alemany Blvd

When a woman heard suspicious noises outside her garage and saw the suspect, through an open mail slot, break a window, she called for help and went outside to confront the suspect but he fled. She cleaned up the shattered glass and returned inside. About 20 minutes later she returned to the car and saw the same suspect inside. He tried to run, but her husband and her son detained hem. Interviewing the suspect, officers saw, through a mesh front pocket of his backpack, two prescription bottles in another name, and an empty narcotics bindle. He was arrested.

Assault – Warrant Arrest

10:04 am | 200 Lakeview Ave

A woman identified the suspect, who hit her with a rock and had a known history to the officers. Officers arrested him when a check revealed two warrants for his arrest out of San Mateo and he was on probation.

Friday | April 5


3:39 pm | 1000 Ocean Ave

Was eating a burger when a group of high school students started a fight with him. They punched him and fled.


5:49 pm | 1500 Sloat Blvd

A woman was driving her car in a parking lot when another car blocked her. She told the suspect, sitting in the passenger seat to move but he suddenly threw a half filled plastic water bottle at her face, hitting her glasses, then drove away.


2:10 pm | Ocean Ave & Plymouth Ave

A man with impaired vision was getting on a MUNI when the suspect tried to y push past him. He told him to stop pushing but he began yelling at him, grabbed his arm and threw him down, then fled.

Saturday | April 6

Vehicle Burglary

1:59 am | 200 Dorantes Ave

A man became suspicious when he heard sounds from the front of his house and went to investigate. He saw the suspect in the front seat of the car. He began videoing as he confronted the suspect, who confessed to the crime on tape. Officers located three other cars nearby that had also been broken into. He was arrested after a search revealed methamphetamine.

Sunday | April 7


10:22 am | 34th Ave & Ortega St

A woman came to Taraval Station to report that a suspect run up from behind her, grabbed her hand bag and fled.

Throwing Trash – Resisting

9:21 am | 19th Ave & Lincoln Way

A witness said the suspect was acting erratically, then took glass bottles from trash cans and breaking them on the street. The suspect was detained despite a refusal to stop and attempted to flee. A victim said his car was hit by a thrown bottle. The suspect was cited.

Monday | April 8

Brandishing Weapon

3:27 pm | 1100 Ocean Ave

When a witness reported that a man was waving a knife in the air but did not directly threaten anyone. A check revealed a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested.

Wednesday | April 10

Attempted Robbery

10:50 pm | 00 Westgate Dr

A suspect shoved a man was sitting on his bicycle, reading his phone, off his bike. The other suspect looked like he pointed a gun at the cyclist’s head. When he refused to let go, the suspects walked away.


11:50 pm | 800 Junipero Serra Blvd

A student at SF State said he was sitting in front of the library when two suspects walked up from behind him and demanded his property. When he refused, they punch him on the nose. Fearing more abuse, the student them some money, but they took the rest of his belongings and fled.

Thursday | April 11


11:46 am | Judah St & 25th Ave

A woman was waiting on a MUNI platform when a car pulled up and the passenger got out, then wordlessly pepper sprayed the her and took her grocery bags away from her before fleeing.


12:31 pm | 00 West Portal Ave

A woman said the suspect had been walking by and suddenly pushed her husband down. Officers detained the suspect but the victim declined to press charges.

Carjacking – Assault

4:46 pm | West Portal Ave & Vicente St

A man who was double parked in front of Starbucks waiting for someone when the suspect brandished a hypodermic needle at him, demanding his car. The driver prevented the suspect from entering his car. Officers arrested the suspect.

Friday | April 12


8:39 pm | 3000 Taraval St

When a store employee refused to give a package to a suspect whose ID did not match the name on the package, the suspect angrily pushed him and tried to go behind the counter to get the package. When that failed, the suspect left.


2:33 am | 00 Geneva Ave

After a fire was successfully extinguished by SFFD, officers determined that a fence had been intentionally set on fire.


2:15am | 200 Geneva Ave

After another fire was successfully extinguished by SFFD, officers determined that a trash can was intentionally set on fire.

Suspended License – Marijuana for sale

7:00 pm | 1500 Sloat Blvd

TNT officers on patrol saw a suspicious car. Once it was determined that the occupants were selling marijuana they were cited for selling marijuana and for driving with a suspended driver’s license.

Stolen Vehicle

5:53 pm | 2200 Taraval St

TNT officers officers located the stolen car which was being tracked and detained the occupants. A search found burglary tools inside a backpack. The suspect said his friend loaned him the car for $60 so he could pick up his girlfriend. He was arrested.

Saturday | April 13

Driving While Under the Influence

2:51 am | 19th Ave & Ulloa St

When officers saw a car making a U-turn, despite numerous signs prohibiting it, they noticed that the driver exhibited signs of being intoxicated and failed a field sobriety test. After further investigation, the driver was arrested.

Sunday | April 14

Shoplifting – Assault – Warrant Arrest

9:50 pm | 1500 Sloat Blvd

A security officer said she was informed that a shoplifter was trying to walk out of the store with a bottle of wine. She confronted the suspect and attempted to detain her but the suspect swung a tote bag at the victim. The bottle of wine flew out during the incident and broke against the floor and cut the officer’s hands. Officers arrested the suspect when a check revealed three arrest warrants.

Shoplifting – Possession of Burglary Tools

11:40 am | 200 Winston Dr

A witness at Target saw a man had stealing approximately $900 worth of merchandise and detained the suspect. Officers arrested him when a check revealed that he was on probation for burglary and two warrants for his arrest.

Tuesday | April 16

Theft from a Vehicle

5:18 pm | Golden Gate Park

TNT officers located a suspect in Golden Gate park who was involved in an auto break-in incident in the Park district. The suspect was arrested.

Wednesday | April 17


11:44am | 700 Taraval St

After a shoplifter pushed a man aside who attempted to stop him and fled with with two six packs of wine. Officers located the suspect, who was asleep with the missing merchandise in his possession. He was arrested.

Breaking Window – Graffiti – Probation Violation

7:37 am | 3900 San Jose Ave

A suspect, who had a previous history of assaulting store employees, was seen attempting to open the front door. When the door failed to open, the suspect cracked the glass possibly by using knife to break in. Officers located the suspect and after further investigation, he was arrested.

Saturday | April 20


7:55 pm | 3700 Kirkham St

The victim was asleep when the suspect suddenly started punching him. The suspect confirmed that he had hit him because he had not been paying his share of the rent and constantly destroys house. The suspect was cited.


3:12 am | 800 Santiago St

An Uber driver dropped off the intoxicated suspect at the requested location when he suddenly punched him in the face. He denied any wrong doing but he was cited.

Sunday | April 21


11:55 pm | Arballo Dr & Pinto Ave

A woman said she had just finished visiting with an acquaintance when the suspect suddenly exited their vehicle and stole her property after punching and kicking her. Then Fleeing. The victim said the suspect was known to the acquaintance she had just visited and that the victim only knew of the suspect through social media.

NOTE this is an abridged version of the complete Police Report that is available at:

MAY 2019

Tuesday, April 16 • 6 pm – 7 pm at Taraval Police Station •

Captain Nicholas Rainsford

Greetings everyone I think we might finally be out of the bulk of the rainy season and Spring is upon us, I hope! As we transition into Spring, and our daylight starts to last longer, I would like to give everyone a reminder to please drive safely. The sun can shine directly in your eyes, and reflections can hit from different angles, and we can all get a bit more relaxed while driving in what we think are better conditions, but we must remain attentive to safe driving. We have had some terrible accidents throughout The City as of late, so expect to see stepped-up enforcement not only in the Taraval, but Citywide. We had a bad accident on John Muir Drive recently where a mother and her daughter were hit by a car while crossing the street in a pedestrian crosswalk. It is with a very heavy heart that I sadly report that the 14 year old girl did not survive the accident. I have been a Police Officer for over 25 years and it always hits me hard when children are hurt; I have kids of my own and my mind always wanders to them and I feel deep sympathy for the loss of any child. The Officers from Taraval Station that were the first responders to the scene were also deeply affected. I also feel bad for the driver who did not mean for this to happen and now has to live with the tragic reality. It is even hard for me to write this but I have to; if my message to the community saves a life we all are better off. I know in my last column I reference the old saying of “it’s not worth it” if something happened while not driving safely or being distracted, but it really is true so please take it to heart.

It’s a bit hard for me to transition out of my last message but I do want to share more information with everyone, including our latest crime stats. Taraval Station Officers continue to do a good job in an effort to reduce home and auto burglaries. Auto burglaries dropped from 161 in January to 123 in February, a 24% decrease and from 123 in February to 80 in March, a 35% decrease. Home burglaries dropped from 28 in January to 23 in February, an 18% decrease and from 23 in February to 19 in March, a 17% decrease. Taraval Station Officers, as well as the Taraval Neighborhood Team (TNT), continue to work with our Burglary and Robbery Units. They share information, work together, learn from each other to get better, and they are making a difference.

In a recent joint operation between Taraval Station and Richmond Station, I loaned our TNT crew to work with Captain Michelle Jeans’ plainclothes crew. The joint operation was quickly on the trail of a trio of auto burglars, and the team of Officers effectively worked together and displayed great teamwork and tenacity as they never lost the “eye” and observed the trio casing several vehicles, and then they quickly hit and broke into a vehicle. The team was able to safely and stealthily follow the auto burglars, making a traffic stop on the felonious few. So as the investigation unfolded, two youngsters, an 18 year old and a 19 year old, are driving around a 12 year old and sending him out to break into cars. Can you believe it, 12 years old! Wow, that’s a new one on me. We will see how this plays out in court.

As I close I again have to go back to my message of safe driving. I had a recent conversation with the President of the Board of Supervisors, Norman Yee, in which he said “we have to change our culture of driving too fast or distracted.” I could not agree more. We need to focus more on personal safety and driving a safe speed. Enforcement alone is not enough.

Go to the stations website at for much more information. Follow Taraval Station on twitter at @SFPDTaraval for some really interesting tweets, and if you’d like to subscribe to the stations newsletter send an email to

Saturday | March 2


6:03 pm | 1400 46th Ave

When a man saw the suspect harassing workers and patrons, he told the suspect to leave the store. However, once outside the store, the suspect continued to harass people who were nearby. The man engaged in argument with the suspect leading to a physical fight, then the suspect pulled a knife. But the man punched the suspect, who fled. Officers found the suspect and a search revealed a knife. He was arrested.

Sunday | March 3


11:35 am | 1400 Noriega St

Officers determined that a driver had double parked their vehicle too close to a second vehicle that was properly parked. Pulling away, driver hit the mirror of the parked vehicle. Both parties wanted to press charges, claiming the other party got out of their car and started the argument which led to a physical fight. Since there were no witnesses, both parties were cited.

Tuesday| March 5

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

9:30 pm | Meadowbrook Dr & Ocean Ave

Seeing a car driving at a high rate of speed without it’s headlights on, quickly make a U-turn and park, then walk quickly away, officers determined that it had been parked illegally—blocking a driveway. An inspection revealed numerous items of clothing that had just been reported as stolen from a store. When a subject matching a description walked towards the car, she was detained. A check revealed a warrant for her arrest. She said she did not know who owned the car. It was towed and she was arrested for the warrant.

Wednesday | March 6


7:12 pm | Lake Merced Blvd & Lake Merced Hills

A woman said she got lost and was searching for a nearby bus stop when the suspect offered to help her, guiding her to the bus stop but then tried to steal her purse. She held tightly on to her purse, but the suspect reached into it and stole her money, then fled.

Traffic Violation – No Driver’s License

6:36 pm | Alemany Blvd & Arch St

When officers determined that a car collided into a MUNI bus, they checked on the driver, and found that she did not have a driver’s license nor insurance. She was cited.

Shoplifting – Vandalism

11:55 am | 1500 Sloat Blvd

The witness said she confronted two suspects she saw shoplifting. She asked the suspects to return the stolen items and they handed the items back. But then they created a scene—pushing over a cash register and damaging a nearby display.

Search Warrants – Arrested

10 am | Various locations

The investigation unit at Richmond station identified the suspect, who was living in the Taraval district, regarding a burglary and assault with a gun that occurred in the Richmond district. Our TNT officers obtained a search warrant on all the suspects listed in the residence and conducted a search. The suspect was located along with numerous ammunition and illegal drugs. The suspect was arrested.

Thursday | March 7

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

10:30 am | 19th Ave & Noriega St

Officers detained a woman reported to be hitting people in a store. The witness said a group of kids came into the store and that the suspect started to scream and curse at them, then attempted to strike several of the kids but missed. A check revealed a warrant for her arrest. She was arrested.

Friday | March 8

Robbery with a gun

12:09 pm | 1800 28th Ave

The victim said he was in his bedroom, in the lower unit of the house, when he heard the front door being kicked in. He saw six suspects enter and come towards him with one of the suspects holding a gun. They ransacked the lower level of the house without going upstairs, then they fled.


6:30 am | 9th Ave & Lawton St

A man said he was walking when a car suddenly pulled up next to him and two suspects got out and came toward him. Both were holding a gun and a shot gun and demanding his property. After he complied, they fled in the car.


6:32 am | 8th Ave & Noriega St

A man said he was walking on the sidewalk when two suspects pulled up next to him and pointed weapons at him before demanding his property. After he handed over his items, the suspects fled. It was determined that these were the same suspects that had also robbed a victim earlier in the Park District.

Monday | March 11

Assault – Warrant Arrest – Arrested

9:56 pm | 200 Brighton Ave

A man said he was locked out at his home that he shared with several other roommates. He started throwing rocks at the suspect’s window in an attempt to get her attention to regain entry. The suspect came downstairs and pepper sprayed the victim. Officers detained the suspect and a check revealed an arrest warrant out of South Carolina. She was arrested.

Tuesday | March 12

Robbery – Update

After further investigation into two recent robbery incidents that happened in our district and in the Park district, the occupants of the car involved were identified and located in Pittsburgh. The vehicle, identified by security footage, was towed.

Wednesday | March 13

Assault – Vandalism to Vehicle

11:16 pm | 36th Ave & Taraval St

The victim, a driver, said his passenger wanted to exit the car on Sunset Blvd at Taraval, but he was unable to find a safe place to pull over. The suspect angrily exited the car anyway and came up to the victim’s side of the vehicle, yelling and hitting the car. A second passenger tried to calm him, but the suspect punched him and then walked away.

Thursday | March 14

Robbery – Marijuana Offense – Arrested

9:00 am | 3100 Ortega St

A school resource officer recognized the suspect from a crime alert who was wanted for a robbery on board a MJNI. Responding officers located the suspect and a search revealed a bag of marijuana in his backpack. The suspect was arrested.

Friday | March 15

Stolen Vehicle – Stolen Property

9:15 pm | 200 Stonecrest Dr

When a person was seen constantly going in and out of a vehicle, suspicious activity was reported. Officers found the car and a check revealed that it had been stolen. The suspect was detained and was arrested.

Warrant Arrest – Arrested

6:56 pm | Judah St & 22nd Ave

A witness said the suspect was yelling and screaming while walking in the middle of the street holding a knife but was not threatening with it. Officers arrived and detained the suspect, who had a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested.

Saturday | March 16


4:01 am | 1700 Lincoln Way

A cashier at a gas station said he was behind the register when a suspect walked in holding a gun, and demanded money. The cashier gave the suspect money and the suspect immediately left the area

Sunday | March 17


10:28 am | 2900 San Jose Ave

The victim said the suspect, who had a history of stealing from the gas station, came into the store and poured himself some coffee. When confronted, the suspect poured coffee on the victim and left.

Battery – Vandalism to Vehicle – Arrested

10:52 pm | 2640 Sloat Blvd

An Uber driver said he was waiting for his fare when the suspect walked up and punched him, then ripped the turn signal lever off the steering wheel and walked away. Officers located the suspect and he was arrested.

Tuesday | March 19


4:05 pm | 3100 Noriega St

A man said he was in a store when the suspect accidentally bumped into him and he responded with a comment. The suspect then followed him outside the store and hit him in the face before walking away.

Wednesday | March 20

Battery – Arrested

9:37 pm | 2500 Ocean Ave

At Walgreens an employee she confronted a suspect with a history of shoplifting at the store, and he responded by spitting at her. Officers found him and a check revealed a warrant and he was arrested.

Assault – Warrant Arrest – Arrested

9:24 pm | 1300 Irving St

A man said he had been playing pool in a bar when the suspect, who was highly intoxicated, created a scene and was asked to leave the bar. He left the bar soon after and the suspect struck him with a scooter. When officers found the suspect, a computer check revealed a warrant from San Mateo County. He was arrested.


3:59 pm | Ocean Ave & Ashton Ave

An Uber driver said he made a right turn when he was almost hit by a woman driving around a bus. He his horn and made a rude gesture at her. She followed him until he stopped at a stoplight and she approached him. He attempted to pepper spray her, but failed and he drove away from the suspect. She followed again and rammed his car before leaving the area.

without paying for them. Responding officers interviewed the suspect, who was detained by the witness, and observed that the suspect was in possession of pills that did not have a description label or prescription attached to them. A computer check revealed that the suspect was on probation. The pills were later identified as a controlled substance. The suspect was arrested.

NOTE this is an abridged version of the complete Police Report that is available at:

April 2019

Captain Nicholas Rainsford

Quickly or Safely? It's not worth it.

Greetings everyone I hope you are all safe and sound after such a stormy last couple of weeks. We had several trees down, traffic signals out and intersections flooded throughout the district but, fortunately, there were no major injuries reported. Just a reminder that driving in the rain is always a bit more tricky than dry conditions so please use more caution and give yourself a bit of extra time so you are don’t find yourself in a rush to get somewhere driving on wet roadways. The old saying of “It’s not worth it” comes to mind if something happened while trying to get somewhere quickly instead of safely. Taraval Station Officers will be more proactive and conducting traffic enforcement along the Sloat Blvd corridor so drive safely.

Your Taraval Neighborhood Team, TNT, has been working hard lately and have made two outstanding arrests. In one caper TNT set up a “bait bike” operation in the area of 46th and Judah. The bait bike was quickly stolen after being briefly left unattended. TNT nabbed the would be thief and low and behold he was on active felony probation for burglary. The surprised bike thief was booked into county jail for grand theft and a probation violation. Shockingly, we noticed a drop in home burglaries in the neighborhood.

In yet another operation TNT conducted surveillance at the Stonestown Mall parking lot, where a young man was seen peering in multiple vehicles. However, none were broken into. TNT officers, along with uniformed officers, conducted a traffic stop and identified the young man. As it turns out, he happens to be on active felony probation for robbery. The young man bemoaned the traffic stop, declaring “I didn’t do anything.” So TNT contacted his probation officer, who informed us his probationer is wearing an ankle monitor with GPS capability. The unsuspecting probationer’s travels were subsequently tracked and, as it turns out, he is a frequent visitor to numerous areas throughout the City where auto burglaries happen frequently, wow. in fact, TNT tracked the young man to an area near the Legion of Honor and observed him breaking into a car and a foot pursuit ensued. The fleet of footed TNT crew quickly made the arrest, declaring “we meet again.” He was booked into county jail for auto burglary and a probation violation. A subsequent search warrant served at his home in San Mateo County revealed evidence linking the thief to approximately 15 prior auto burglary cases. We think auto burglaries around Stonestown might decrease a bit.

Bottom line is the TNT crew and uniformed officers are working hard to keep thieves out of our community and sending a message that more operations are coming and coming.

As I close I would like to give a bit of a tip to everyone which is “If you see something say something”. You are the eyes and ears of the community and Taraval Station has a great relationship with its residents so let us know when you think something is just not right.

Go to the stations website at for much more information, follow Taraval Station on twitter at @SFPD Taraval for some really interesting tweets and if you’d like to subscribe to the station newsletter send an email to

Friday | February 1

Discharging a Firearm – Arrested

12:29 am | Broad St & Plymouth Ave

Responding to a report of shots being fired officers questioned two suspects in a car. Officers saw several open bottles of alcohol and a handgun on the floor. They detained the suspects and two more suspects who were originally with them. The four suspects were arrested.

Monday | February 4

Resisting Arrest – Arrested

10:21 pm | 200 Garfield St

Responding to a report of a suspect walking around with a knife, talking to himself, officers detained the suspect despite resisting being handcuffed. A check revealed two warrants and he was arrested.

Tuesday | February 5


12:55 pm | Irving St & 23rd Ave

A woman said she was waiting for a bus when the suspect suddenly approached her and punched her in the stomach. Then he took her cell phone and clipper card and jumped in a waiting car that fled.

Wednesday | February 6

Battery – Cited

5:48 pm | 3100 20th Ave

After one party opened their car door and struck another car, an argument led to one party claiming that she was hit with a cell phone while the other party claimed that he was trying to film the incident when the phone was knocked out of his hands. Both parties pressed charges and both parties were cited.

Sunday | February 10

Reckless Driving

12:26 pm | Broad St & Plymouth Ave

Plainclothes TNT officers saw a car driving at a high rate of speed and a smoking skid mark behind. The car passed through an intersection without stopping and proceeded to a highway. A CHP officer pulled the driver off the road, and the officers also cited the driver.


10:15am | Skyline Blvd & Great Hwy

A man who had been driving behind a slower car, changed lanes to pass. The slower driver, the suspect, flashed something that looked like a badge and told the victim to pull over. When he stopped his car, the suspect approached, yelling and cursing. Feeling threatened, he drove away, but the suspect caught up to him and sprayed pepper at him, then drove away.

Monday | February 11

Attempted Robbery – Attempted Arson

3:45 am | 46th Ave & Wawona St

Officers found the suspect reported to be lighting a fire with freshly burnt paper. A man said the suspect got on the bus without paying, started an argument with a passenger and demanded money. Then he eventually walked away after setting some paper on fire. He was arrested.

Possession – DUI – Probation Violation

11:29 am | Arch St & Brotherhood Way

After a car was rear-ended while stopped at a stop sign, officers determined that one of the drivers was under the influence of drugs. After investigation and testing, the driver was arrested.

Friday | February 15


5:22 pm | 3200 20th Ave

After a group pushed her friend away before the suspect cornered her and took here cell phone and fled, the victim told officers who found the group of people. But after further investigation, they determined the group was not involved in the robbery portion of the incident.

Saturday | February 16


11:25 pm | 2100 45th Ave

A woman had just parked her car and had was carrying groceries with her purse over her shoulder when the suspect suddenlyput a hand over her mouth, reached over grabbed the purse and fled.

Monday | February 18

Vehicle Burglary – Arrested

5:13 pm | 100 34th Ave

Plain clothes TNT officers were on surveillance when they observed the suspect, who had a known history, breaking into a vehicle. They detained the suspect and after further investigation, he was arrested.

Shooting – Robbery

9:26 pm | 2000 15th Ave

Officers responded to UC hospital regarding two shooting victims. The victim reported that one of them lived in the area and they decided to walk to 15th Avenue to smoke marijuana. The victim stated that the suspect approached them with a gun and demanded their property and a fight ensued when one of the victims grabbed at the suspect. The victim stated that the suspect then shot at the victims before stealing their property and fled the area. However, after further investigation, it was determined that there were discrepancies with the victim’s statement and determined that it was an isolated incident.

Thursday |February 21

Marijuana Search Warrants

6:00 am | 7 location in the district

TNT officers had receive a tip concerning illegal growing of marijuana inside a location. An investigation reveales that the suspect owned numerous buildings. After surveillance on the locations and obtaining a search warrant, a search revealed that four of the locations were growing marijuana. This investigation is ongoing.

Friday | February 22

Assault – Arrested

4:39 pm | 3200 20th Ave

A man said he was in the locker room at the gym when the two suspects walked in and looked at the victim. He responded by saying “hi” to which the suspects made a comment and started punching the victim. After investigation, they were arrested.

NOTE this is an abridged version of the complete Police Report that is available at:

March 2019

Taraval’s New Captain Nick Rainsford

Hello everyone. I am the new Captain here at Taraval Station, Nick Rainsford. Although “new” to Taraval I have over 25 years of experience with the SFPD. In fact I was assigned to Taraval Station as recently as 2015-2016 as a Lieutenant, so I’m not entirely new. I joined the Police Department in 1994 and have had a variety of assignments, mostly in the patrol division. I started my career as a patrol officer in the Tenderloin District back when it was called TTF, Tenderloin Task Force, and worked there for about 5 years. Never a dull moment at the old TTF! I also worked at Northern Station until 2008 when I was promoted to Sergeant, promoted to Lieutenant in 2012 and eventually promoted to Captain in 2016.

I am pleased to be assigned to Taraval Station as, for me, it is “the old neighborhood.” I grew up here in the Sunset District in the Parkside neighborhood. It’s great to be working where I grew up, as the community is near and dear to my heart, being a native son. So much has changed over time and some things have also remained the same, but what a great place it was to grow up and it’s still a great place for all residents who call the Westside of town home.

My priorities during my tenure will be to make the Taraval District a safe place to live in, visit, drive through, and work. Our number one priority as a Police Department is always to reduce violent crime. Any person who commits a violent crime in the Taraval District will be aggressively pursued through relentless follow-up and investigation. Property crime is also of concern and a top priority. Taraval officers investigate property crime collaboratively with other SFPD units, such as our Burglary Unit and our Crime Scenes Investigation Unit, to arrest those involved in auto burglaries and home burglaries. We also rely on our community partners who instinctively know when something in their neighborhood is not right so as the saying goes “If you see something say something.” Look out for each other. Traffic safety is also a priority and we will conduct enforcement operations throughout the district so please drive safely. It’s not worth it to get hurt or hurt someone else by not being attentive.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe 2019. For much more information about the Taraval District check us out a

Thursday | November 1

Theft from a Vehicle – Battery

3:10 pm | 00 Harding Rd

A man having lunch in his car heard glass breaking and looked up to see the suspect stealing his backpack. The suspect then got onto a bicycle and rode away. He followed in his car, cutting in front of the suspect to stop him. He reached out and grabbed the backpack but the suspect pepper sprayed him and fled.

Wednesday | January 2

Vehicle Tampering – Burglary Tools

3:10 pm | 700 Taraval St

Alerted that a stolen vehicle was nearby, officers the car in a parking lot with two suspects still inside When asked to exit the car, the suspects complied without incident and said they saw that the car’s door was open so they entered the car to stay warm. A determined one was a felon with a taser and a shaved key in his possession. One was cited and the other was arrested.

Thursday | January 3


9:53 am | Junipero Serra & Holloway Ave

A woman had just parked her car when a suspect walked up to her and grabbed the keys, then pushed her to the ground, got into her car and drove away.


6:58 pm | Niantic Ave & Saint Charles Ave

While walking home, a woman realized she was being followed. Two suspects approached her and pushed her against a parked car, claiming to have a gun and demanding that she give them her property. She did so, and they fled. She did not see a weapon during the incident.


2:25pm | 1600 16th Ave

A woman who yelled at a suspect, who ducked down near her friend’s car, and immediately fled. She and her friend gave chase, but he entered a waiting car and fled, narrowly missing hitting the woman.

Friday | January 4

Assault – Traffic Collision

12:24 pm | Portola Dr & West Portal Ave

The victim of a collision said he stopped at a stoplight when the suspect drove up and claimed he had hit his car. He demurred and continued driving, but the suspect followed him and hit his car. When he stopped, the suspect got out of his car and the man had to to grab the suspect by the neck to stop an assault. Officers investigated and the suspect was arrested.

Saturday | January 5

Assault – Robbery

1:51 am | 4000 19th Ave

The suspect told officers he had been helping the victim move when she suddenly attacked him, but she said she consolidating her belongings into a different storage unit when and during the argument, the suspect hit her with a metal tool and fled with her property. Searching the suspect, officers found the items in his possession. He was arrested.

Monday | January 7


4:55 pm | 2000 Irving St

A woman with a known history of bringing her own cup to help herself to the store’s coffee without making a purchase, was confronted by the victim. She responded by flinging hot coffee in the face before exiting the store and fleeing the area.

Tuesday | January 8

Discharging a Firearm

9:03 pm | Plymouth Ave & Sadowa St

Responding officers located multiple fired cartilage casings but were unsuccessful in finding any victims, witnesses or suspects involved in reported incident.

Thursday | January 10

Shoplifting – Threats

3:41 pm | 100 Cambon Dr

A store employee saw the suspect stealing and confronted the suspect outside the store to return the item but the suspect refused and began to flee. When the employee gave chase, the suspect turned and punched him in the eye. He and a witnesses detained the suspect until responding officers arrived. After an investigation, the suspect was identified and arrested.


9:30 pm | 20th Ave & Kirkham St

A man was wanted to cross the street but waited for a car that was stopped at the stop sign. They both then tryed to cross at the same time. The car made a u-turn, when thesuspect got out, and kicked him.

Friday | January 11


5:23 am | 1300 Noriega St

An intoxicated man was walking when he accidentally bumped into the suspect and may have said something that he did not remember. The suspect responded angrily by punching and kicking the suspect.

Saturday | January 12


1:39 pm | Sloat Blvd & Junipero Serra Blvd

On Muni, a man swung his backpack onto his back and may have accidentally hit someone while getting off the bus. The suspect followed him, slapped him twice, then got back on the same bus.

Assault – Arrested

12:13 am | San Jose & Mount Vernon Ave

The victim spotted a man who assaulted him in a reported incident from December 2018. When officers contacted the suspect, computer check revealed an arrest warrant from Colma. He was arrested.

Monday | January 14

Robbery with Force

3:41 pm | 19th Ave & Winston Dr

A woman was looking at an app on her phone while holding it with both hands when a suspect suddenly grabbed it and fled. When she followed the suspect, she was was pushed from behind. Officers detained suspects who matched her description. She confirmed their identity. After investigation, they were arrested.

Tuesday | January 15


12:34 am | 2200 32nd Ave

When a man answered the door to find his roomate, he asked him what happened to his keys? When he said he was going back to bed, the roomate followed him to his room and pushed him and knocked him to the floor, then left the house.

Trespassing – Resisting Officers

5:55 pm | 300 Eucalyptus Dr

After many gym members complained about an intoxicated suspect working out at the gym and causing a disturbance, the attendant asked him to leave but he refused. When officers arrived he refused again. They handcuffed the suspect, despite his resisting. Once arrested, he was transported to Taraval Station because he refused to sign the citation. At the station, he signed it. He was then released.

Battery – Warrant Arrest

3:27 pm | 20th Ave & Winston Ave

A woman walking in the crosswalk when the passing suspect suddenly slapped her on the back of her head. A witness said the suspect caused a disturbance in a nearby store and was asked to leave. The witness followed him from the store and saw him yelling at random people and slapping the woman. Officers him and a check revealed a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested.

Robbery of a Residence

12:09 am | 200 Sagamore

A man, awakened by a loud sound, went to investigate and was confronted by two suspect, one who pointed a gun at him. They forced him upstairs and ransacked several rooms, then fled.

Burglary – Arrest

100 Cambon Dr

The Taraval Investigation Team identified the suspect in a recent burglary incident who had also just been arrested on a separate incident and the officers added the additional charges to the suspect’s record.

Wednesday | January 16

Shooting into a vehicle

2:20 pm | Sagamore St & San Jose Ave

A man was stopped at a stoplight in his car when another car approached him. He heard the sound of a gun being fired and jumped out. The suspect then drove away immediately. A witness confirmed that he saw the suspect shooting at another car

Friday | January 18


10:06 pm | 100 Font Blvd

A woman sitting in the lobby, was waiting for her grandson when the suspect, who was nearby, started acting abnormally. She was trying to walk away when the suspect suddenly threw coffee on her and fled.

Evading a Police Officer

5:04 pm | 1800 19th Ave

Searching for auto burglary suspects in the Richmond, officers found them at a gas station. As they attempted to detain them, they fled in a car at unsafe speeds, running through numerous stop signs.

Saturday | January 19

Arson – Arrested

12:27 pm | 00 Farallones St

The victim saw a relative acting weirdly, naked and setting fire to the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. The victim extinguished the fire, called police and the suspect was arrested.

Robbery – Arrested

6:43 pm | St Charles Ave & Belle Ave

A woman was walking when a suspect suddenly came up from behind her and snatched her cell phone away from her hand. She tried to retrieve it, but the suspect punched her in the face and fled. Officers successfully detained him and when she identified him, he was arrested.

Traffic violation – Reckless Driving

6:32 pm | Randolph St & Victoria

When officers saw a car without front license plates, they conducted a traffic stop and cited him. Unhappy with citation, he followed the officers and was seen passing vehicles illegally and running numerous stop signs. He was stopped and cited again.

Thursday | January 24

Suspended Driver’s License

3:27 pm | 19th Ave & Winston Dr

Officers sas a known subject, with a history of burglary and theft, driving around the Stonestown parking lot. A check on the car revealed a registration that expired in 2018, despite a current 2019 sticker affixed to the plate. During a traffic stop a revealed that her license had been suspended. She was cited.

Resisting – Marijuana Offense

10:47 am | Irving St & 6th Ave

Patrol saw a car pull into a red zone and park directly in front of a fire hydrant and the occupant walking away. With the windows rolled down it smelled strongly of marijuana. Officers detained and handcuffed the suspect, despite resistance and a strugle. A search revealed marijuana that was not properly stored in the car. The suspect was cited.

Friday | January 25


8:46 am | 1300 9th Ave

When a woman found a man in a private parking area she asked him to leave. He responded angrily and yelled at her before he spat at her and left the area.

Assault – Arrested

10:30 pm | 3080 San Jose Ave

A man was sitting in his car when he saw the suspect, who had been talking to himself, suddenly grab a golf club and demanded that he get out of his car. He declined, and the suspect walked away. He exited the car, and the suspect attempted to hit him strike him. He used pepper spray and the suspect backed off. Officers found him and he was was arrested.

Stolen Vehicle – Driving under the Influence – Arrested

12:38 am | 00 Forest Side Ave

A man driving a stolen tractor told officers he found the keys inside the tractor. They told him to turn off the tractor. Then the man narrowly missed falling off trying to step off of it. He was determined to be intoxicated, after viewing security footage and he was arrested.

Saturday | January 26


4:17 pm | 500 Victoria St

A woman was waiting outside of her house for a mail delivery when the suspect’s car approached her and told her to come closer to the vehicle. Thinking it was the mail service, she approached the car,, when a suspect on the passenger side suddenly grabbed her arm, pulled off her jewelry and they drove away.

Wednesday | January 30

Theft of a Bicycle – Probation

2:12 pm | Judah St & 48th Ave

In a bicycle anti-theft op, officers saw the suspect scrutinizing an unattended bicycle as he passed. he doubled back and walked away with it. When officers detained him, he stated said he thought it was free. A check revealed he was on probation for theft. He was arrested.

NOTE this is an abridged version of the complete Police Report that is available at:

February 2019

Click here for older crime reports (Please view on desktop computer for best experience while we convert our older files to mobile).

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