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City Seeks Public Input for Twin Peaks Improvements

Office of Economic and Workforce Development is in charge of the project

• • • • • • • • March 21, 2024 • • • • • • • •

Jonathan Farrell
Jonathan Farrell

At an elevation of 928 feet, Twin Peaks is near the geographical center of San Francisco — among the highest mountains in San Francisco, next to Mount Davidson, “Twin Peaks is a landmark and very iconic,” Tom Radulovich, Executive Director at Livable City, said.

The nonprofit Livable City— the primary coordinator of The Sunday Streets neighborhood events throughout San Francisco for several years — wants to spearhead the effort to preserve and protect Twin Peaks for future generations.

At least five agencies and entities claim ownership/management of more than 34 acres of the hills and surrounding terrain. But as Radulovich points out, “the stewardship of Twin Peaks is very fragmented.” The Westside Observer recently spoke with Radulovich, who maintains the area will need a more cohesive sense of leadership direction in the future into the 21st Century.

“How do we get government and agencies involved to be more responsible?” is the overall question he faces. “As it is right now, he said, there is no plan on how to manage and care for Twin Peaks."

According to Radulovich, while there have been some previous assessments of the area—some years ago—the exact details are not fully mapped out.

Twin Peaks Map

He told the Westside Observer that he has been concerned about Twin Peaks for quite some time.

Radulovich hopes to answer questions such as whether a visitor center should be built or how much maintenance could be done or devoted to hiking trails, open spaces, and wildlife habitats, and then he will present his answers to the various officials.

When asked if the effort (an outline of a recommendation report) will produce an Environment Impact Report, Radulovich said “No, not an EIR, not at this phase. That, he said would be up to the City to decide but we want to help encourage some conceptual planning, essentially for the future."


As it is right now, he said, there is no plan on how to manage and care for Twin Peaks.”

“The project is funded by a grant from the City’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development, (OEWD),” he said. It will engage neighbors, visitors, San Francisco’s American Indian community, and public agencies to dialogue.

"We will seek to understand how people use and experience Twin Peaks now, what they would like to see conserved and improved, and explore options for a visitors center, access, connections, and governance,” Radulovich said.

The SF Recreation & Parks Department has some jurisdiction over the area, especially regarding hiking trails. The SF Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA) implemented a traffic-calming reconfiguration of some roads in 2016 so that pedestrians and bicyclists could safely use the eastern side of Twin Peaks Blvd.

There are some privately owned parcels of land in and around Twin Peaks, and the SF Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) also has some jurisdiction over a portion of the Twin Peaks area with respect to the two reservoirs near Sutro Tower.

When WSO reached out for comments to the OEWD and others, they have yet to respond.

Roughly defined: Upper Market Sreet is on the east and Northeast of Twin Peaks (and some of the southeast sides “(Market Street winds around up there),” said SF Realtor John Asdourian, with Portola Ave on the south. Diamond Heights is on the west and south, Cole Valley’s Clayton Street is on the north of Twin Peaks."

Neighborhood districts such as Diamond Heights, Clarendon Heights, Noe Valley, and The Castro are all within Twin Peaks’ sphere and have experienced significant change, development, and growth over the past 30 to 50 years. This change over the decades has affected the area’s natural beauty and conditions.

Erosion, vegetation, and wildlife habitat open spaces are the major concerns for Twin Peaks. “Livable City is working with other nonprofit organizations and environmental conservation groups like the Association of Ramaytush Ohlone and The Cultural Conservancy,” said Radulovich.

Twin Peaks at Sunset

The role of the other nonprofit groups needs to be clarified. With all the various agencies (SFMTA, SF PUC, and SF Recreation & Parks) involved, Radulovich and his staff at Livable City face a daunting challenge.

Radulovich did mention that litter, illegal dumping, homeless camping, and vandalism have been an issue in some spots in and around Twin Peaks. That’s why getting “a plan in place” is essential.

With his previous 20 years of experience as an elected member of the BART Commission, Radulovich is confident he can accomplish the goal.

“We would like to get all this work done and submitted some time in June,” said Radulovich.

In the meantime, the public is invited and encouraged to participate in an online questionnaire to help in this task.

Visit the following link:


Jonathan Farrell is a local reporter.

March 21, 2024

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