Consider the Cow Palace, Immigration and Gun Control
•••••••••• October 25, 2022 ••••••••••
It’s been observed: “How do you know when a politician is lying?” The answer is: “When he (or she) opens her or his mouth!” I observed that in person last month at the highly successful Grand National Rodeo and Junior Livestock Show at the Cow Palace. State Treasurer Fiona Ma, former S.F. Supervisor and State Assembly member and now a candidate for reelection for State Treasurer, was foolishly allowed to address the crowd of about 5,000. In May, 2019, Senator Scott Weiner tried to convey the 68-acre Cow Palace to land developers by establishing a Cow Palace Authority composed of Daly City, San Francisco and San Mateo County. His bill would have forced the state, owner of Agriculture District No. 1A, to transfer the property without compensating California taxpayers. (When exposed to such duplicity, Weiner amended his bill. It would now require San Francisco, Daly City and San Mateo County to pay for the Cow Palace, at market value, to the state. In 2008, an appraisal determined the Cow Palace was worth $147,000,000; by 2019, its value exceeded $300,000,000!)
On the eve of an election, a candidate asked a reporter: “Did you hear my last speech?” The reporter replied: “I certainly hope so.”
Fortunately, the bill was stopped, but then Board of Equalization member Fiona Ma was the very first person to testify in support of the Cow Palace’s death sentence. On October 8, 2022, just three years later, she falsely declared to the rodeo crowd she had “saved” the Cow Palace from extinction in 2009. It was, in fact, the Cow Palace governing board and staff which did so by attracting events and tenants after the 2008 recession caused the termination of state funding. The Cow Palace today possesses savings of about $6,000,000 (!) from gross receipts. Ma isn’t responsible for that surplus or for “saving” the Cow Palace, which is why it’s said: “The honesty of many politicians has never been questioned. In fact, it’s never been mentioned.”
Mark Twain once declared: “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, but your government only when it deserves it.” Examples abound. So-called “sanctuary cities” represent one example. As illegal immigration rises nationally at our southern border, our national government countenances it. The words “illegal alien” are panned by contemporary purveyors of journalism. (On September 9, 2022, one U.S. Court of Appeal judge for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco chided his colleagues for calling illegal aliens “non-citizens” in an immigration ruling after the majority declared that readers of the court opinion might find the word “alien” to be offensive!)
In the Wall Street Journal last September 22nd, Karl Rove of the political action committee American Crossroads, noted that in fiscal year 2022, 2,150,639 illegal aliens had been apprehended on our Southwest border, more than 25% higher than the prior year’s 1,734,686 and over four times more than 2020’s 458,098. Arizona, Texas and Florida must deal with surging illegality. As Rove observed, when Texas’ governor shipped 500 to Chicago, 7,400 to Washington, D.C. and some 1,500 to New York City, that is a pittance of the number border states receive.
Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., like San Francisco, are “sanctuary cities.” They should embrace illegal aliens, not feign indignation, and allow Vice-President Kamala Harris to proclaim “. . . our border is secure” without contradiction. Then again, the count doesn’t include the illegals who weren’t caught by the Border Patrol. Its department chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, testified at a congressional hearing that there were about 338,155 more who escaped capture in the 2021 fiscal year (October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021). If extrapolated, that would equal over 482,000 more uncaptured illegal aliens in the fiscal year.
Our state and local governments, however, ignore our sanctuary status and attack border-state political officials. And, thanks to California’s legislature and governor, as of January 1, 2023, you don’t need to be a citizen to be a California law enforcement officer. (I can’t wait for some knucklehead legislator to sponsor a bill to allow illegal aliens to be cops.)
Our Sacramento heroes in this fiscal year’s budget, (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023), have now conferred “full-scope Medi-Cal benefits” upon California illegal aliens 60 years of age or older. This imposes a state-mandated program for local governments like San Francisco to spend an estimated $858,000,000 annually on California’s approximate 2,200,000 illegal aliens. Previously in 2015 and 2019 Medi-Cal coverage was legislatively enlarged to include illegal aliens’ children and in 2020 to adults aged 19-25 years.
The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendmen, in my legal and political lifetime, has vexed gunowners and opponents alike. In California and elsewhere the National Rifle Association once constituted a major election force. That’s now untrue in California, which, during my State Senate years, could stop bills supposedly hostile to its members. Last month, an astute Californian in La Mesa reminded national newspaper readers that “modern” gun control started in 1967, when then-Governor Ronald Reagan approved gun-control legislation as a result of Black Panthers using guns. Thus, Blacks were the cause of attempts to suppress firearm sales. Then-Senate President Pro Tem David Roberti from Los Angeles proposed broad gun registration and other controls after the gun deaths of six Stockton grade schoolers in 1987, which I supported. The N.R.A. thereafter tried to recall Roberti and failed. The N.R.A. never endorsed my two Senate re-elections and has lost power in California but not in southern states.
On the eve of an election, a candidate asked a reporter: “Did you hear my last speech?” The reporter replied: “I certainly hope so.”
I convey warm best wishes to all faithful and, even unfaithful readers for a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving. Remember our military veterans on November 11th.
Retired former Supervisor, State Senator and Judge Quentin Kopp formerly lived in District 7 — now redistricted to District 4
October 2022